
Once you executed ./gradlew addKtlintFormatGitPreCommitHook , it enables to run ./gradlew ktlintFormat on each git commit. Basically, standard and experimental rules are applied on ktlintFormat. If you want to add extra rules, you can edit ktlint.gradle or .editorconfig .

By enabling experimental rules, code formatting on .editorconfig will be valid.

We have debug and release as specified on app/build.gradle.

These buildTypes are appended on each flavor names like stgDebug and stgRelease which can be used as a build variant on Android Studio, bitrise.

For more detail: https://developer.android.com/studio/build/build-variants

install fastlane

  • macOS:

    • install ruby
    • install fastlane : brew install fastlane or sudo gem install fastlane
    • open terminal: fastlane
    • output apk location: rootProject/app/build/outputs/apk
  • Windows & linux: TODO