View short introductory videos on Youtube Channel (new)
E.g. Fedora 34 and higher: install with sudo dnf install alizams
Open from Menu (Graphics section) or run in terminal (type alizams)
Archive distribution:
Extract archive and run
cd alizams-1.8.3_linux
Optionally install local desktop menu entry
cd alizams-1.8.3_linux/install_menu
To remove local menu entry
cd alizams-1.8.3_linux/install_menu
Open DMG file (signed and notarized), in the window move icon onto Applications, eject,
s. Launchpad or use from terminal
Extract archive, click or run from terminal alizams.exe.
Select DICOM scanner tab, open directory with DICOM files or DICOMDIR file (or drag-and-drop).
Select one or more series and click arrow action (or double-click selected row) to load.
- Very fast directory scanner, DICOMDIR
- 2D and 3D views with many tools
- View uniform and non-uniform series in physical space
- DICOM Study multi-view with intersection lines
- Structured report
- RTSTRUCT contours
- 2D+t and 3D+t animations
- Consistently de-identify DICOM
- View DICOM metadata
- Ultrasound incl. proper measurement in regions, cine
- Grayscale softcopy presentation
- Siemens mosaic format
- United Imaging Healthcare (UIH) Grid / VFrame format
- etc.