I decided to use vanilla Javascript to create a simple frontend that'd output the results onto the console. This way the user can just press buttons to interact with it, but I kept the task simple enough by just logging the outputs. I used a tool called Vite to setup a placeholder frontend and save some time.

The downside of choosing vanilla JS was that I've gotten used to React for developing and testing, and the move to testing in the aforementioned environment was less straightforward than I imagined. There was a bunch of work on setting up dependecies and settings files that I thought I was avoiding by going with what I thought was a simpler route.

However, once that was over the task was easy enough to accomplish. There are more things I could add to make it more usable, but I decided to keep it basic for the purpose of completing the asignment under the deadline I'd set for myself.

To use the frontend:

  1. npm run dev

  2. Open console (⌥ + ⌘ + i / Shift + CTRL + i on Chrome)

To run tests: npm run test