
Collaborate, manage projects and reach new productivity peaks.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Taskify - Collaborate, manage projects and reach new productivity peaks.

Taskify - Collaborate, manage projects and reach new productivity peaks.

Ask Me Anything! GitHub license Maintenance GitHub branches Github commits Vercel status GitHub issues GitHub pull requests

📔 Table of Contents

‼️ Folder Structure

Here is the folder structure of this app.

  |- actions/
    |-- copy-card/
    |-- copy-list/
    |-- create-board/
    |-- create-card/
    |-- create-list/
    |-- delete-board/
    |-- delete-card/
    |-- delete-list/
    |-- stripe-redirect/
    |-- update-board/
    |-- update-card/
    |-- update-card-order/
    |-- update-list/
    |-- update-list-order/
  |- app/
    |-- (marketing)/
    |-- (platform)/
        |--- (clerk)/
            |---- select-org/[[...select-org]]/
            |---- sign-in/[[...sign-in]]/
            |---- sign-up/[[...sign-up]]/
        |--- (dashboard)/
            |---- board/
            |---- organization/
    |-- api/
        |--- cards/[cardId]/
        |--- webhook/
  |- components/
        |--- form/
        |--- modals/
            |---- card-modal/
        |--- providers/
        |--- ui/
  |- config/
  |- constants/
  |- hooks/
  |- lib/
  |- prisma/
    |-- schema.prisma
  |- public/
    |-- fonts/
    |-- icons/
  |- .env
  |- .env.example
  |- .eslintrc.json
  |- .gitignore
  |- components.json
  |- middleware.ts
  |- next.config.js
  |- package-lock.json
  |- package.json
  |- postcss.config.js
  |- tailwind.config.ts
  |- tsconfig.json
  |- types.ts

🧰 Getting Started

  1. Make sure Git and NodeJS is installed.
  2. Clone this repository to your local computer.
  3. Create .env file in root directory.
  4. Contents of .env:
# .env

# clerk auth keys

# clerk redirect url(s)

# mysql db url

# unsplash api key

# stripe api & webhook key

# app base url
  1. Clerk Keys:
    • NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY and CLERK_SECRET_KEY are provided by Clerk. You need to sign up for an account on Clerk (https://www.clerk.dev/), log in, and access these keys in your account settings.

Copy Clerk Secret and Publishable Key

  1. Stripe Secret Key:
    • STRIPE_API_KEY is provided by Stripe in order to setup online payments. You need to sign up for an account on Stripe (https://stripe.com/), log in, and access these keys in your account dashboard.

Copy Stripe Secret Key

  1. Stripe Webhook Secret:

    • STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET is required for handling Stripe webhooks securely. Follow these steps to obtain the webhook secret:
      • Sign in to your Stripe account (https://dashboard.stripe.com/).
      • In the Dashboard, go to "Developers" > "Webhooks".
      • Click the "Add endpoint" button.
      • Set up the endpoint details and select checkout.session.completed and invoice.payment_succeeded event.
      • After saving, you'll see the webhook signing secret. Copy this value to use as STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET.
  2. URLs for Clerk:

    • NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_SIGN_IN_URL, NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_SIGN_UP_URL, NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_AFTER_SIGN_IN_URL, and NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_AFTER_SIGN_UP_URL are endpoints or URLs related to your Clerk setup. You can configure these in your Clerk dashboard.
  3. Prisma Database URL:

    • DATABASE_URL is the connection URL for your Supabase PostgreSQL database. You will need to create a Supabase account (https://supabase.com/) or use an existing one. Obtain the connection URL from your Supabase dashboard after creating a new project.
  4. Public App URL:

    • NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL are endpoints or URLs related to this Project. You can configure/copy this from your needs.
  5. Unsplash API Key:

    • Sign up on Unsplash if you haven't already.
    • Join the Unsplash Developer Community here.
    • Create a new application in the Developer Dashboard.
    • Obtain your Access Key from the created application.
    • Set the NEXT_PUBLIC_UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY environment variable in your project with the obtained key.
  6. Open terminal in root directory. Run npm install or yarn install.

  7. Now app is fully configured 👍 and you can start using this app using npm run dev or yarn dev.

📚 Additional Resources

NOTE: Please make sure to keep your API keys and configuration values secure and do not expose them publicly.

📷 Screenshots:

Modern UI/UX

Create Boards

Premium Lists and Card

View Activity

⚙️ Tech Stack

React JS Next JS Typescript Tailwind CSS Vercel Prisma

🔧 Stats

Stats for Taskify

🙌 Contribute

You might encounter some bugs while using this app. You are more than welcome to contribute. Just submit changes via pull request and I will review them before merging. Make sure you follow community guidelines.

💎 Acknowledgements

Useful resources and libraries that are used in My Portfolio

☕ Buy Me a Coffee

🚀 Follow Me

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📚 Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!

📃 Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out Next.js deployment documentation for more details.

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🌟 Star History

Star History Chart

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