
:memo: Source plugin for Gatsby from microCMS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm version install size

Source plugin for Gatsby from microCMS.


# npm
$ npm install gatsby-source-microcms

# or yarn
$ yarn add gatsby-source-microcms

How to use


First, to fetch contents from microCMS, you need setting options in gatsby-config.js.

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-microcms',
      options: {
        apiKey: 'MICROCMS_API_KEY',
        serviceId: 'myblog',
        apis: [{
          endpoint: 'posts',


You can query like the following. Gatsby create Pages based on microCMS contents.

exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions }) => {
  const { createPage } = actions;

  const result = await graphql(
        allMicrocmsPost(sort: { fields: [createdAt], order: DESC }) {
          edges {
            node {

  if (result.errors) {
    throw result.errors;

  result.data.allMicrocmsPost.edges.forEach((post, index) => {
      path: post.node.id,
      component: path.resolve('./src/templates/blog-post.js'),
      context: {
        slug: post.node.id,


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-microcms',
      options: {
         * The authentication key required for API requests. (Required)
         * Type: string.
        apiKey: '11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555',

         * Service information. (Required)
         * xxxx.microcms.io
         * Type: string.
        serviceId: 'xxxx',

         * API information. (Required)
         * Multiple APIs can be specified.
         * Type: array.
        apis: [{
           * API endpoint name. (Required)
           * https://xxxx.microcms.io/api/v1/posts
           * Type: string.
          endpoint: 'posts',

           * Graphql type. (Optional)
           * This is used in GraphQL queries.
           * If type = 'post', the GraphQL types are named 'microcmsPost' and 'allMicrocmsPost'.
           * Type: string.
           * Default: endpoint value.
          type: 'post',

           * microCMS's content type('list' or 'object'). (Optional)
           * if format is 'list', read all contents by fetching multiple times.
           * Type: string.
           * Default: 'list'.
          format: 'object',

           * API request query options. (Optional)
           * Type:
           *   draftKey: string.
           *   limit: number.
           *   offset: number.
           *   fields: string.
           *   filters: string.
           *   depth: number.
           * Default: {}.
          query: {
            draftKey: 'DRAFT_KEY',
            limit: 100,
            offset: 40,
            fields: ['id', 'title', 'body'].join(','),
            filters: 'tag[exists]',
            depth: 2


This plugin provides filters query building helper.

// gatsby-config.js
const { and, contains, exists } = require('gatsby-source-microcms/src/query-builder');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-microcms',
      options: {
        apis: [{
          query: {
            filters: and(contains('title', 'sale'), exists('tag')),
            //=> `title[contains]sale[and]tag[exists]`

Helper list:

  • equals (alias: eq)
equals('gender', 'women')
//=> gender[equals]women
  • notEquals (alias: neq)
notEquals('gender', 'women')
//=> gender[not_equals]women
  • lessThan (alias: lg)
lessThan('createdAt', '2019-11')
//=> createdAt[less_than]2019-11
  • greaterThan (alias: gt)
greaterThan('createdAt', '2019-11')
//=> createdAt[greater_than]2019-11
  • contains
contains('title', 'sale')
//=> title[contains]sale
  • exists
//=> nextLink[exists]
  • notExists
//=> nextLink[not_exists]
  • beginsWith
beginsWith('publishedAt', '2019-11')
//=> publishedAt[begins_with]2019-11
  • and
and('filter1', 'filter2', ..., 'filter10')
//=> filter1[and]filter2[and]...[and]filter10
  • or
or('filter1', 'filter2', ..., 'filter10')
//=> filter1[or]filter2[or]...[or]filter10


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