Primary LanguageJavaScript


Admin user credentials

username: admin
password: admin

Users credentials

username: sanin
password: qaz123#QAZ

username: user1
password: qaz123#QAZ

Models used

  1. ItemModel : For product details
  2. CartItem : For each cart-items

APIs Available (Heroku server):

=> GET method for product list https://disectoo.herokuapp.com/store/
=> POST method for admin to create new product https://disectoo.herokuapp.com/store/create-item
=> PUT, DELETE and GET methods for admin to update database https://disectoo.herokuapp.com/store/item/<:slug>
=> GET method for showing cart-items for current user https://disectoo.herokuapp.com/cart/
=> GET, DELETE and PUT methods for updating cart https://disectoo.herokuapp.com/cart/update/<:id>
=> GET method for displaying a pdf invoice of the current cart-items https://disectoo.herokuapp.com/cart/invoice

Cron Job At every 12Am for updating expired produts:

=> GET method for expired product list https://disectoo.herokuapp.com/store/expired-items


  1. Only admin can create, Update, Delete product
  2. Users can only get update and delete thier own cart-items

Documentations used

  1. Django Rest Framework : https://www.django-rest-framework.org/
  2. Django : https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/
  3. Cron Job : https://pypi.org/project/python-crontab/
  4. Heroku Hosting : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBwhtEIXGII