
An Exploitation script developed to exploit the CVE-2023-46747 which Pre Auth Remote Code Execution of f5-BIG Ip producs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An Exploitation script developed to exploit the CVE-2023-46747 which Pre Auth Remote Code Execution of f5-BIG Ip producs This is an script indented forto exploit the Remote code Execution on Vulnerable f5-BIG Ip products


git clone https://github.com/sanjai-AK47/CVE-2023-46747.git
cd CVE-2023-46747
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 exploit.py


 python3 exploit.py -h                                            
usage: exploit.py [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-dL DOMAINS_LIST] [-cmd COMMAND] [-o OUTPUT] [-to TIME_OUT] [-px PROXY] [-v]

[DESCTIPTION]: Exploitation and Detection tool for Cisco CVE-2023-46747

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        [INFO]: Target domain for exploiting without protocol eg:(www.domain.com)
  -dL DOMAINS_LIST, --domains-list DOMAINS_LIST
                        [INFO]: Targets domain for exploiting without protocol eg:(www.domain.com)
  -cmd COMMAND, --command COMMAND
                        [INFO]: Exploitation Shell command for Remote Code Execution
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        [INFO]: File name to save output
  -to TIME_OUT, --time-out TIME_OUT
                        [INFO]: Switiching timeout will requests till for your timeout and also for BURPSUITE
  -px PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                        [INFO]: Switiching proxy will send request to your configured proxy (eg: BURPSUITE)
  -v, --verbose         [INFO]: Switiching Verbose will shows offline targets

Warning :

The tool is developed to exploit the vulneabilities for legal and ethical exploitations and The developer (ME) not responsible for illegal or unethical exploitation

The tool is developed by D.Sanjai Kumar and for any updates and errors ping me though my Linkedin page I have mentioned

Thank you!