
Ciper is a powerful and user-friendly tool designed to streamline the process of network information retrieval. With Ciper, users can input CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) or subnet information, and the tool efficiently resolves this input into network IPs.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ciper: Efficient CIDR/Subnet Resolver and Domain Name Fetcher

Ciper is a powerful Python tool designed to simplify the retrieval of network information. It efficiently resolves CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) or subnet information provided by the user into network IPs. One of its key features is its ability to identify valid IP addresses and fetch corresponding domain names associated with those IPs. With built-in efficient concurrency, Ciper provides lightning-fast output, ensuring rapid and accurate results for all your network needs.


  • Efficient Concurrency: Ciper leverages built-in concurrency to deliver rapid results, enhancing your productivity.
  • Single IPs or Bulk Processing: Resolve single IPs or process bulk data from files containing CIDR/subnets, making it versatile for various use cases.
  • Easy Installation: Ciper can be easily installed using pip and is compatible with all major operating systems.
  • OS Independent: Enjoy the flexibility of running Ciper on any operating system without worrying about compatibility issues.
  • Output Customization: Save output with a specified filename or let Ciper handle it automatically if a filename is not provided.

Required Python version

Python 3.11.5


Method 1:

pip install ciper

Method 2:

git clone https://github.com/sanjai-AK47/Ciper.git
cd Ciper
pip install .


Resolving CIDR/Subnet to IPs and Fetching Domain Names

ciper -h
usage: ciper [-h] [-s SINGLE] [-f FILENAME] [-c CONCURRENT] [-v] [-o OUTPUT]

[INFO]: CIPER Tool dig deep and found domains of the target organisation

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SINGLE, --single SINGLE
                        [INFO]: A single range of ip address with CIDR notation (eg:127.0.0.q/24)
  -f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
                        [INFO]: File that contains range of ipaddress with CIDR notation
  -c CONCURRENT, --concurrent CONCURRENT
                        [INFO]: Conncurrent features for level up the process with multiple process
  -v, --verbose         [INFO]: Show the found domains from the cidr notations
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        [INFO]: save the found domain from the network

Resolving Single IP Address

ciper -s  -o test.txt  --verbose
  • -s or --single : Specifies a single Cidr/subnet to resolve.
  • f or --filename: Specifies a filename contains Cidr/subnet to resolve

Screenshot from 2023-10-15 21-48-17


Hey Guys I'm D.Sanjai Kumar a web application pentester and bug bounty hunter and Im also an open source tool developer for CyberSecurity community to develope the community into Open Source I develope tools for all of us and also checkout my other Tools in my repositories which will be very usefull for bug hunters , penetration tester and Ethical hackers check it out here the others tools called Subdominator for subdomain enumeration through passive and OSINT and GoogleDorker which CLI based google dorking tool and to save the dorking tools and make the work more easy and efficiently

GitHub Repository

GitHub Repository

For more information and detailed usage instructions, please refer to the official documentation.


Thanks in advance to all users that supporting me to develop these tools and I need your support. Just show your support and love through giving a ⭐ to my tools and remember sharing is caring so also share to other members of our community to build a Open source community for all ❤️.