
This is a Python script designed to streamline the process of renaming columns in a CSV file based on a predefined set of names. This tool is particularly useful when working with datasets where column names need to be standardized or replaced with more meaningful identifiers.

Primary LanguagePython

Column Name Matching and Renaming Tool


This script is designed to match column names in a CSV file with a predefined set of names stored in a JSON file. If a match is found, the script renames the corresponding columns in the CSV file using the values associated with the matched keys.


  1. Input Files:

    • Ensure that you have the CSV file containing the original column names.
    • Create a JSON file with a dictionary mapping original column names to their desired new names.
  2. Code Execution:

    • Execute the Python script.
    • The script reads the JSON file to obtain the column name mapping.
    • It loads the CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame.
  3. Column Matching and Renaming:

    • For each column in the DataFrame, the script checks if there is a match with any key in the JSON file.
    • If a match is found, the script renames the column using the associated value from the JSON file.
  4. Output:

    • The modified DataFrame is saved to a new CSV file with the updated column names.


Consider the following JSON file (columnnames.json):

  "old_column_1": "new_column_1",
  "old_column_2": "new_column_2",
  "old_column_3": "new_column_3"

And the CSV file with columns:

old_column_1, old_column_2, old_column_3, other_column

After running the script, the new CSV file will have the columns:

new_column_1, new_column_2, new_column_3, other_column


  • Python 3.x
  • pandas library


Sanjana Ramesh