This script is designed to match column names in a CSV file with a predefined set of names stored in a JSON file. If a match is found, the script renames the corresponding columns in the CSV file using the values associated with the matched keys.
Input Files:
- Ensure that you have the CSV file containing the original column names.
- Create a JSON file with a dictionary mapping original column names to their desired new names.
Code Execution:
- Execute the Python script.
- The script reads the JSON file to obtain the column name mapping.
- It loads the CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame.
Column Matching and Renaming:
- For each column in the DataFrame, the script checks if there is a match with any key in the JSON file.
- If a match is found, the script renames the column using the associated value from the JSON file.
- The modified DataFrame is saved to a new CSV file with the updated column names.
Consider the following JSON file (columnnames.json
"old_column_1": "new_column_1",
"old_column_2": "new_column_2",
"old_column_3": "new_column_3"
And the CSV file with columns:
old_column_1, old_column_2, old_column_3, other_column
After running the script, the new CSV file will have the columns:
new_column_1, new_column_2, new_column_3, other_column
- Python 3.x
- pandas library
Sanjana Ramesh