
This project provides a web interface for uploading files to an Amazon S3 bucket and managing them (listing, downloading, and deleting).

Primary LanguagePHP

AWS S3 File Upload and Management with PHP

This project provides a web interface for uploading files to an Amazon S3 bucket and managing them (listing, downloading, and deleting).


  1. PHP 7.4+ with AWS SDK for PHP v3 (AWS SDK for PHP Documentation).
  2. Composer (Composer Download).
  3. An AWS account with an S3 bucket.

Project Structure :

  1. config.php: Contains configuration settings and AWS S3 client initialization.
  2. delete.php: Handles file deletion from the S3 bucket.
  3. download.php: Manages file downloads from the S3 bucket.
  4. file_list.php: Displays a table of uploaded files with options to download or delete.
  5. index.php: Main entry point of the application. Includes file upload form and file listing.
  6. upload.php: Handles file upload to the S3 bucket.
  7. upload_form.php: Provides the HTML form for uploading files.


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Install dependencies using Composer:
composer install
  1. Update config.php with your AWS credentials (access key ID, secret access key, and region).
  2. Set the desired bucket name in config.php.
  3. Start a web server and point it to the project directory.


  1. Visit the application in your web browser.
  2. Use the file upload form to select and upload files to the S3 bucket.
  3. Uploaded files will be listed in a table with options to download or delete.
  4. Click the download button to retrieve a file from the S3 bucket.
  5. Click the delete button to remove a file from the S3 bucket.

Additional Notes

  1. Ensure your AWS IAM user has sufficient permissions to perform S3 operations.
  2. Customize the appearance and behavior of the web interface as needed.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request for any improvements or features you'd like to see added.