
It is an API based job scheduler(uses cron-expression, also we can customize triggers by giving time in millis) where we can create, update, delete, activate and deactivate jobs at any time with REST calls.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


It is an API based job scheduler(uses cron-expressions, also we can customize triggers by giving time in millis) where we can create, update, delete, activate and deactivate jobs at anytime with REST calls.

  • The jobs are persisted in the database MySQL when create and update request is made.
  • The sheduler automatically picks the jobs and resumes them, after restarting when the application goes down.


[1] https://www.javatpoint.com/spring-tutorial

[2] Lilium Code YouTube

[3] http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/

[4] https://www.baeldung.com/quartz


  • Clone this repo:
> git clone https://github.com/sanjay235/Dynamic-Job-Scheduler.git
> cd Dynamic-Job-Scheduler
  • Install Maven, MySQL(any Database of your choice), IntelliJ(any IDE of your choice).
  • Create database tables provide in the resources/sql folder.
  • Update the dependencies given in the pom.xml using Maven.
  • Run it as spring boot application in the IDE.

API endpoints:

  • I have created a job called APITriggerJob for hitting an external REST API at regular intervals for demo purposes.
  • The request body for below APIs is specific to APITriggerJob that I have created.
  • You can customise and add new jobs as per your need in the main/src/main/java/com/scheduling/app/job folder.
Create job end point = localhost:8080/api/scheduler/insert-job
HTTP method = POST
JSON body = {
    "jobName": "Github profile fetch job",
    "description": "This job fetches the Sanjay's Github profile details.",
    "cronExpression": "0/45 * * * * ?",
    "requestUrl": "https://github.com/sanjay235",
    "requestType": "GET",
    "callbackUrl": "https://www.github.com",
    "retryCount": 23,
    "delayBetweenRetries": 2335,
    "param": {},
    "headers": {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    "body": {}
Get job details endpoint = localhost:8080/api/scheduler/get-job/235
HTTP method = GET
Update Job endpoint = localhost:8080/api/scheduler/update-job/
HTTP method = PUT
For updating a job get the entire request body using get-job details end point and make necessary changes
Json body = {
    "jobID": 235,
    "jobName": "Github profile fetch job",
    "description": "This job fetches the Sanjay's Github profile details.",
    "cronExpression": "0/45 * * * * ?",
    "requestUrl": "https://github.com/sanjay235",
    "requestType": "GET",
    "callbackUrl": "https://www.github.com",
    "retryCount": 23,
    "delayBetweenRetries": 2335,
    "param": {},
    "headers": {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    "body": {}
Delete job end point = localhost:8080/api/scheduler/delete-job/235
Activate job end point = localhost:8080/api/scheduler/activate-job/235
HTTP Method = PUT
De-Activate job end point = localhost:8080/api/scheduler/deactivate-job/235
HTTP Method = PUT


  • Feel free to fork to customise and add the jobs as per your need. Add a star and share if you like it.
  • Corrections & Contributions are always welcome! 😃