
List of WordPress important functions needed while development of custom theme Upload the functions.php file inside theme folder or use specific function as per your requirement from the file.

Following functions are included in functions.php file.

  1. Navigation / Menu
  2. Remove default UL markup from wp_nav_menu output
  3. Enable featured image with custom dimension
  4. Image compression while uploading
  5. Remove width and height attributes from inserted images
  6. Enable sidebar widget
  7. Shorten post / page title by word limit
  8. Shorten excerpt by word limit
  9. Shorten content by word limit
  10. Strip images from content
  11. Display the content of a page by page ID
  12. Display the content of a page by page slug
  13. Anti spam email shorcode inside content editor
  14. Change default sender email address for generated emails
  15. Change default sender name for generated emails
  16. Remove default widgets
  17. Remove WordPress version from Head
  18. Remove login error message on login page
  19. Enqueue script in footer
  20. Enqueue CSS in header
  21. Disable admin bar for all users but admins in the front end
  22. Change default sender email address
  23. Change default email sender name