
A list of LLM clients that can be used to interact with a proprietary or open source models using UI or CLI

UI or CLI for AI

A list of LLM clients that can be used to interact with proprietary and open models using UI, CLI, or Local API endpoints

Ollama https://ollama.com/
Oobabooga https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui
LM Studio https://lmstudio.ai/
Jan AI https://jan.ai/
Faraday https://faraday.dev/
ChartWizard https://github.com/lisiur/ChatWizard
KoboldCpp https://github.com/LostRuins/koboldcpp
GPT4All https://gpt4all.io/
EdgenAI https://edgen.co/

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