
Variable undefined issue in pform.f

keweili opened this issue · 3 comments

When compiling the FEAPpv source code for the x86 platform, my student chose the "integer4" folder under the "include" folder, then we got an error saying the variables "ht1", "ht2", and "ht3" are undefined in the subroutine "pform.f". Thus, I think the file "hdata.h" should be defined as follows so that we have those three variables.

integer           nh1,nh2,nh3,ht1,ht2,ht3                     !int 4
common /hdata/    nh1,nh2,nh3,ht1,ht2,ht3

See also

With this change, the 32-bit executable file worked on my machine.

Ooops. I've fixed the error. We have debated deleting integer4 altogether but have not yet made a decision. Would it not be rare for anyone (compiling code) to still be working on a 32-bit only machine?

My student had a 64-bit machine, but somehow she chose to compile the code for the x86 (Win32) platform in Visual Studio (Maybe that is the default option). Then, we found this error. After the change, it worked well, so I would keep the folder.