User Management Plugin

Built with Quasar


  1. Vue
  2. Quasar
  3. NPM / Yarn

Base App Dependencies and Plugins

  1. Quasar Cookies Plugin
  2. Quasar Notify Plugin
  3. Axios
  4. Vue Router
  5. VueX


  1. Firstly, you require a quasar application. Skip this step if the plugin is going to be installed on a pre-existing application. Else, create a new quasar application by writing the following command:
quasar create application-name --branch v1
  1. After creating the application. open quasar.conf.js file from the project folder and find the line with plugins: [] and add Cookies and Notify to it. It should look similar to:
plugins: ['Cookies', 'Notify']
  1. After that, the next step is to link the extension to the application. For linking, on the root of the extension folder and run the following command:
  yarn link

Then, go to base application root folder and run the following command:

  yarn link quasar-app-extension-rasello-user-management
  1. Next step is to invoke or install the plugin. To invoke the application, run the following command:
quasar ext invoke rasello-user-management

After running this command, you need to answer several prompts.


To unistall, you will need to uninvoke the extension by running the follwoing command:

quasar ext uninvoke rasello-user-management

Note: You need to redo these install steps and issue the uninvoke command each time you make changes to the uninstall script and you want to test them.


  1. appName

    Name of your app. It will be displayed on pages where you don't pass pageTitle props to the AuthFormContainer component.

  2. basURL

    URL of the backend API Server. This baseURL will be attached before URL of every requests made to other routes asked in the prompts or to any requests made with the $axios global variable.

    Type: String


    Default: http://localhost:3000

  3. loginRoute

    Route for the user login API.

    Type: String

    Default: /auth/login

    Eg: /user/login

  4. registerRoute

    Route for the user registration API.

    Type: String

    Default: /auth/register

    Eg: /register

  5. publicRegister

    If you want to make the register page available to every user, type Yes else, type No.

    Type: Confirm

    Accepted Values: Yes / No / y / n

  6. logoutRoute

    Route for the user logout API.

    Type: String

    Default: /auth/logout

    Eg: /logout

  7. passwordChangeRoute

    Route for the user logout API.

    Type: String

    Default: /auth/change-password

    Eg: /password-change

  8. passwordForgotRoute

    Route for the forgotten password reset request.

    Type: String

    Default: /auth/forgot-password

    Eg: /password-forgot

  9. passwordResetRoute

    Route for resetting password after email or phone verification.

    Type: String

    Default: /auth/reset-forgot-password

    Eg: /user/reset/password

  10. fetchUserRoute

    Route for fetching the data of logged in user with the JWT token sent on the request header.

    Type: String

    Default: /users/me

    Eg: /users/getLoggedInUser

  11. userVerifyRoute

    Route for user verification.

    Type: String

    Default: /users/verify

    Eg: /verify-user

  12. logoURL

    Route for the logo to be displayed on the Auth Form headers.

    Type: URL


Note: To make changes to the prompts, go to quasar.extension.json file from the root folder of your base application and find rasello-user-management property and make changes to individual prompts as required.


  1. Login
  1. Signup
  1. Change Password
  1. Forgot Password
  1. Reset Password