🚧 🚧 🚧 pickers-inputs is deprecated. Due to the lack of maintainers and increased code complexity, pickers-inputs is now deprecated in favor of react-date-time-picker-tz.

You can find the old code of pickers-inputs here.


React component library for handling date, time, and dateTime pickers with zone handling and customizable formats.


You can install the package via npm or yarn:

npm install pickers-inputs
# or
yarn add pickers-inputs


Import InputPicker from pickers-inputs;

import { InputPicker, TimePicker } from "pickers-inputs";

Add InputPicker like this:

  onChange={(newValue) => {

Add TimePicker like this:

  value={"2024-03-30 04:06:16 PM Asia/Calcutta"}
  onChange={(v) => {
  format="yyyy-LL-dd hh:mm:ss a z"


Prop Type Description
type "date", "time", "dateTime" Select picker type.
value string Input value.
onChange (value: string) => void Fuction triggered when the value changes. Receives the new value as an argument.
format string Format the displayed value.(Input and output format will be the same.)
onHide () => void Fuction triggered when the picker is hidden.
onShow () => void Fuction triggered when the picker is shown.
mainContainerClassName string Class name(s) that will be added along with "main-box" to the main picker
mainContainerStyles CSSProperties Inline styles for the main container element.
selectedStyle CSSProperties Styles for the selected element.
outputZone string Specifies the output value based on the zone

Date Picker

Date Picker

Time Picker

Time Picker

Date-Time Picker

Date-Time Picker