
This is a group project at Masai. The fitness blender website provides customised fitness plan for any type of user including pregnent women who needs plan as per their requirements.

Primary LanguageHTML

Fitness Blunder is a unique, full-lifestyle shopping destination, with a mostly exclusive assortment of health and all

Have a Look 😍

Navbar and Home Page

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Product Page

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Single Page of the Product

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Cart Product Page

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Payment page

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Vercel Link


Netlify Link


AWS deploy link


  • Cart Page
  • Address Page
  • Review Page
  • Payment Page
  • Products Page
  • Single Product Page
  • Signup & Login
  • Collecting Data
  • Navbar Section
  • Home Page
  • Footer Section


  • Login/Signup using Firebase.
  • Different Categories and Sections.
  • Add to Cart.
  • Can View Similar Products.
  • Can Increase the Quantity of the Cart Items.
  • Address Validation & Credit Card Validation
  • Responsive Design

Tech Stacks

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Npm / Yarn and Node.js installed


Installing NPM modules Execute these commands from the project directory

npm install

Running the app

Open a terminal on directory

npm run start

Access the web app at http://localhost:3000/