
This is a simple backend Social Media application using REST API and Spring.

Primary LanguageJava


The above project is a Backend Spring Social Media Application using REST API. πŸ€“

Description: πŸ“œ

🟑 REST API is a very popular and standardized software architectural style. It is industry known and used. It provides various benefits like: Scalability, Statelessness, simple and standardized.
🟒 The Porject is made using Spring Boot and Spring MVC. It mimics a simple social media application, wherein there are Users and corresponding Posts.
🟣 There is a UserResource Controller which has the corresponding Spring MVC Controller methods which maps HTTP Requests to the URL Path.
πŸ”΄ Since we are using RESTful API's, there is the presence of path parameters to capture specific values from the URL of a resource.
βšͺ There is the user of Spring HATEOAS to dynamically navigate to related resources and also there is the inclusion of starter-validation for Bean validations.
🟠 For security we have starter-security, wherein we have used HTTP Basic Authentication.
🟀 For the database side we have an in-memory H2 database which has two entities namely User and Post.

🟦This project also uses the Optional Class to avoid Null-Pointer Exceptions.

πŸ“· ScreenShots:

