Hi there! 👋 I'm Sanjeet Kumar


I'm a Full Stack Developer with 5 years of experience. I love working on all parts of building websites and apps.

🚀 About Me

  • 🌱 Currently expanding my skills with Next.js
  • 💼 Focused on enhancing my Portfolio Project
  • 📫 Reach me at: sanjeetkumar186@gmail.com
  • 😄 Pronouns: Sanjeet Kumar

🔧 Technologies & Tools


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React.js
  • Redux
  • Bootstrap
  • Apollo Client
  • JQuery
  • etc.


  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • etc.


  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Visual Studio Code
  • GraphQL
  • etc.

🌟 Projects

Here are a few projects I've worked on:

📚 Skills

  • Web Development
  • Data Structures & Algorithms
  • etc.

📊 GitHub Stats

Your GitHub Stats

📫 Connect with Me

You can connect with me on:

Feel free to reach out! 😊