
The Employee Leave Information Management System was designed to automate the employee administration and management and the strategic planning of leaves for employees. This program manages all of the employee records. Employee Leave Management System is enables to handle information about the employee. That serves as an instrument for better management. The key goal of this project is to create an effective web-enabled framework that would be able to simplify workplace knowledge management needs. It is meant to simplify the current manual framework for fast information collection, produce statistical reports and act as a data archive for efficient sharing of information and possible retrieval.

In the existing paper work related to leave management, leaves are maintained using the attendance register for staff. The staff needs to submit their leaves manually to their respective authorities. This increases the paperwork & maintaining the records becomes tedious. Maintaining notices in the records also increases the paperwork.

To automate the existing leave management in organizations to decrease the paperwork and enable the process with efficient, reliable record maintenance by using centralized database, thereby reducing chances of data loss To provide for an automated leave management system that intelligently adapts to HR policy of the organization and allows employees and their line managers to manage leaves and replacements for better scheduling of work load & processes.

Benefits: Ease of use No manual data entry errors Significantly reduced paper work Simple leave polices Authorization to leave Transparency Involves discipline

Software and hardware requirements:

Software Requirements:  Operating System - Windows 10 Front-End - HTML ,CSS , Php Back-End - MySQL Server Web Server - XAMP Browser - Any compatible browser   Hardware Requirements:   Processor - Intel Core 2.80 GHz RAM - 4GB Hard Disk - 300GB�