Instrumentation with Datadog and Opentelemetry Tracer Agents


  • Export traces and metrics using native Datadog agent
  • Export traces and metrics using Opentelemetry agent
  • Avoid using vendor specific code components within application for instrumentation
  • Compare differences between using opentelemetry SDK vs using DD SDK

Datadog Setup

Before begining the setup, you will need to generate datadog api for the agent. On the datadog dashboard go to user/orgsettings/apikeys to generate a new one or copy an existing api key.

Datadog Collector Agent Installation

Download and install datadog agent for the desired operating system.

Installation Tips for Windows
  • Execute msi as cmd prompt admin user - start /wait msiexec /qn /i datadog-agent-7-latest.amd64.msi APIKEY="xxx" SITE=""

Datadog Collector Agent Configuration

Configure Datadog Collector Agent for Log Collection

Update the datadog.yaml file to enable log collection.

api_key: your-api-key
logs_enabled: true

  enabled: true
  log_file: /path/to/trace/log/file.log
    enabled: true
# Only required if using OTLP tracer agent instead of native datadog agent
        transport: tcp
    enabled: true
    enabled: true

Start datadog agent

cd /path/to/datadog/agent/bin
agent.exe start-service

Instrumenting Applications using Datadog Tracer Agents

Configure Application Log Collection

Create ../datadog/conf.d/java.d/conf.yaml file to configure application log file collection

#Log section

  - type: file
    path: "/path/to/logs/string-gen-api.log"
    service: dd-client
    source: java
    sourcecategory: sourcecode
  - type: file
    path: "/path/to/logs/guid-gen-api.log"
    service: dd-server
    source: java
    sourcecategory: sourcecode
Attach Datadog Tracer Agent to Target Applications

Download the datadog tracer agent and run your application with the agent attached to it.

java -javaagent:C:\wenv\workspace\opentelemetry-dd-poc\otlp-java-tracer-agent.jar .... app.jar

Configure Datadog Agent to Create Tags Using HTTP Headers

Use the configuration parameter dd.trace.header.tags for creating dynamic tags using HTTP header entries.

Propagate Trace Context Information between Client/Server Applications

Use the configuration parameter for propagating trace context as HTTP headers between client/server transactions.,b3,b3multi,xray,b3,b3multi,xray
Propagate Application Specific Headers using Custom SDK
package com.codecanvas.ddclient

import ...

class DdClientController {
  private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}
  private val client = OkHttpClient()

  fun getRandomString(headers: HttpHeaders): String {"Generating random string ...")

    val reqBuilder = Request.Builder().url("http://localhost:8000/ddserver/randomuuid")
    // *** API Specific header propagation (SDK Preferred)
    // Trace specific information (trace, span, parent) is auto propagated by agent based on config
    headers.filter { header -> header.key.startsWith("X-API-") }
      .forEach { header -> reqBuilder.addHeader(header.key, header.value.first()) }

    client.newCall( { response ->
      return response.body!!.string()

  fun getRandomStringFailure(headers: HttpHeaders): String {"Generating random error ...")

    val reqBuilder = Request.Builder().url("http://localhost:8000/ddserver/randomuuidfailure")
    // *** API Specific header propagation (SDK Preferred)
    // Trace specific information (trace, span, parent) is auto propagated by agent based on config
    headers.filter { header -> header.key.startsWith("X-API-") }
      .forEach { header -> reqBuilder.addHeader(header.key, header.value.first()) }

    client.newCall( { response ->
      return response.body!!.string()
Communicating Trace Context in Application Errors
package com.codecanvas.ddserver

import ...

    Requires(classes = [TraceableException::class, ExceptionHandler::class])
class TraceableExceptionHandler(private val errorResponseProcessor: ErrorResponseProcessor<Any>) :
    ExceptionHandler<TraceableException, HttpResponse<*>> {

    override fun handle(request: HttpRequest<*>, exception: TraceableException): HttpResponse<*> {
        return errorResponseProcessor.processResponse(
                .errorMessage("${exception.message} " +
                        "b3 trace: ${request.headers.get("X-B3-traceid")} " +
                        "amzn trace: ${request.headers.get("x-amzn-trace-id") } " +
                        "dd trace: ${request.headers.get("x-datadog-trace-id") } ")
                .build(), HttpResponse.badRequest<Any>()
Sample Application Error Messsage
  "message":"Bad Request",
      {"message":"Simulated error (otlp) ... w3c traceparent: 00-dd1b14a499b5aaa117adbfda549444cd-1a67cabd64df9103-01 "}
Complete VM Options for dd-client Application
Complete VM Options for dd-server Application
Sample Http Requests for DD Instrumented Applications
### Request for client 1
GET http://localhost:8001/ddclient/randomstring
X-API-Trusted-Id: 1
X-API-Company-Code: 1abc
X-API-Request-Type: Quote
X-API-Client-Id: client1
X-API-Client-Name: SanjeevCo
X-API-OSeries-Pod-Id: Client1Pod
X-API-traceid: 230209-1-1

### Request for client 2
GET http://localhost:8001/ddclient/randomstring
X-API-Trusted-Id: 2
X-API-Company-Code: 2abc
X-API-Request-Type: Invoice
X-API-Client-Id: client2
X-API-Client-Name: SanjeevCo2
X-API-OSeries-Pod-Id: Client2Pod
X-API-traceid: 230209-2-1

### Request for client 3 with failure
GET http://localhost:8001/ddclient/randomstringfailure
X-API-Trusted-Id: 3
X-API-Company-Code: 3abc
X-API-Request-Type: Invoice
X-API-Client-Id: client3
X-API-Client-Name: SanjeevCo3
X-API-OSeries-Pod-Id: Client3Pod
X-API-traceid: 230209-3-1
Querying Datadog Traces by Application Specific Header Values and Linking to Logs and Metrics

Querying Datadog Traces by Trace Ids and Linking to Logs and Metrics

Instrumenting Applications using Opentelemetry Tracer Agents

Configure Application Log Collection

Create ../datadog/conf.d/java.d/conf.yaml file to configure application log file collection

  - type: file
    path: "C:/wenv/workspace/opentelemetry-dd-poc/otlp-server/logs/otlp-server.log"
    service: otlp-server
    source: java
    sourcecategory: sourcecode
  - type: file
    path: "C:/wenv/workspace/opentelemetry-dd-poc/otlp-client/logs/otlp-client.log"
    service: otlp-client
    source: java
    sourcecategory: sourcecode  
Attach Opentelemetry Tracer Agent to Target Applications

Download the otel tracer agent and run your application with the agent attached to it.

java -javaagent:C:\wenv\workspace\opentelemetry-dd-poc\otlp-java-tracer-agent.jar .... app.jar

Configure Opentelemetry Tracer Agent to Create Tags Using HTTP Headers

Use the configuration parameter otel.instrumentation.http.capture-headers for creating dynamic tags using HTTP header entries.

Propagate Trace Context Information between Client/Server Applications

Use the otel.propagators configuration parameter for propagating trace context as HTTP headers between client/server transactions.

Propagate Application Specific Headers using Custom SDK
package com.codecanvas.otlpclient

import ...

class OtlpClientController {
  private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}
  private val client = OkHttpClient()

  fun getRandomStringOtelSdk(headers: HttpHeaders): String {"Generating random string (otlp) ...")

    val reqBuilder = Request.Builder().url("http://localhost:9000/otlpserver/randomuuid")
    // *** API Specific header propagation (SDK Preferred)
    // Trace specific information (trace, span, parent) is auto propagated by agent based on config
    headers.filter { header -> header.key.startsWith("X-API-") }
      .forEach { header -> reqBuilder.addHeader(header.key, header.value.first()) }

    client.newCall( { response ->
      return response.body!!.string()

  fun getRandomStringFailureOtelSdk(headers: HttpHeaders): String {"Generating random failure (otlp) ...")

    val reqBuilder = Request.Builder().url("http://localhost:9000/otlpserver/randomuuidfailure")

    // *** API Specific header propagation (SDK Preferred)
    // Trace specific information (trace, span, parent) is auto propagated by agent based on config
    headers.filter { header -> header.key.startsWith("X-API-") }
      .forEach { header -> reqBuilder.addHeader(header.key, header.value.first()) }

    client.newCall( { response ->
      return response.body!!.string()
Communicating Trace Context in Application Errors
package com.codecanvas.otlpserver

import ...

  Requires(classes = [TraceableException::class, ExceptionHandler::class])
class TraceableExceptionHandler(private val errorResponseProcessor: ErrorResponseProcessor<Any>) :
  ExceptionHandler<TraceableException, HttpResponse<*>> {

  override fun handle(request: HttpRequest<*>, exception: TraceableException): HttpResponse<*> {
    return errorResponseProcessor.processResponse(
        .errorMessage("${exception.message} w3c traceparent: ${request.headers.get("traceparent")} ")
        .build(), HttpResponse.badRequest<Any>()

Sample Application Error Messsage
  "message":"Bad Request",
      {"message":"Simulated error b3 trace: 36ae0f3d27080d22amzn trace: Root=1-63e476f9-0000000036ae0f3d27080d22;Parent=0eea0234a160100c;Sampled=1dd trace: 3940103479318023458"}
Complete VM Options for otlp-client Application
Complete VM Options for otlp-server Application
Sample Http Requests
### Request for client 1
GET http://localhost:9001/otlpclient/randomstring
X-API-Trusted-Id: 1
X-API-Company-Code: 1abc
X-API-Request-Type: Quote
X-API-Client-Id: client1
X-API-Client-Name: SanjeevCo
X-API-OSeries-Pod-Id: Client1Pod
X-API-traceid: 230209-1-1

### Request for client 2
GET http://localhost:9001/otlpclient/randomstring
X-API-Trusted-Id: 2
X-API-Company-Code: 2abc
X-API-Request-Type: Invoice
X-API-Client-Id: client2
X-API-Client-Name: SanjeevCo2
X-API-OSeries-Pod-Id: Client2Pod
X-API-traceid: 230209-2-1

### Request for client 3 with failure
GET http://localhost:9001/otlpclient/randomstringfailure
X-API-Trusted-Id: 3
X-API-Company-Code: 3abc
X-API-Request-Type: Invoice
X-API-Client-Id: client3
X-API-Client-Name: SanjeevCo3
X-API-OSeries-Pod-Id: Client3Pod
X-API-traceid: 230209-3-1
Querying Traces by Application Specific Header Values and Linking to Logs and Metrics

Querying Traces by Trace Ids and Linking to Logs and Metrics


  • Both OTEL and DD trace agents do not require application to be aware of the underlying telemetry store
  • Using DD trace agent seems to offer better user experience in terms linking logs, metrics, and traces
  • Both OTEL and DD traces can be declaratively configured to generate tags
  • At this time, I would prefer DD trace agent over OTEL due to easier linking of traces, logs, and metrics.

