
The live version of the project can be found at:

Objective of Project

This is a very basic money transfer app, where one can perform transfer of money among any two users in the database. The total amount of money in the app remains same since no user can transfer an amount greater than possessed.


    Redux   Firebase   Bootstrap   NodeJS

On your system

  1. Download or clone the repository files
  2. Open command prompt to the file
  3. npm install && npm start

This will start the development server at port 3000

Frontend Docs


Sender Selection Page

Receiver Selection Page

Amount transfer Page

All Transactions Page

The application does not contain any user login or authentication of any sort. Hence the transactions made by anyone can be visited by all others.

This application is made as error safe as possible. Let me know if you find any glitch or bug. Do drop a ⭐ if you like it.