
Interview Scheduler Assignment

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Interview Scheduler

Project Description & Features:

Interview Scheduler is a Single Page Application for tracking students interviews built with the latest tools and techniques for optimized user experience. The App utilizes React built-in and custom hooks and allows users to add, edit and delete appointments in real time. Data is persisted by the API server using a PostgreSQL database. The client application communicates with an API server over HTTP, using the JSON format. For quality assurance, the project follows best practices of TDD (Test Driven Development), where individual Components are tested in isolation as well as End-to-End testing is performed.

Features are as follows:

  1. Appointment days (Monday to Friday) are displayed and colour-coordinated depending on availability
  2. The days show the number of slots available as a snapshot of the week
  3. A user can switch between days and see detailed information
  4. Booked and available slots are clearly differentiated
  5. A user can book interviews by typing in a student name and clicking on an interviewer from a list of interviewers
  6. A user can change the details of an existing interview by pressing the edit icon
  7. A user can cancel an existing interview, a pop-up message will ask to confirm the action before permanently deleting an interview
  8. Days display currently remaining spots and capture updates after each modification

Home View:

Home View

New Appointment Booking:

New Appointment Booking

Interview Cancel:

Interview Cancel


Install dependencies with npm install.

Running Webpack Development Server

npm start

Running Jest Test Framework

npm test

Running Storybook Visual Testbed

npm run storybook


i. Axios ii. Classnames iii. Normalize.css iv. React v. React-dom vi. React-scripts vii. Babel/core viii. Storybook/addon-actions ix. Storybook/addon-backgrounds x. Storybook/addon-links xi. Storybook/addons xii. Storybook/react xiii. Testing-library/jest-dom xiv. Testing-library/react xv. Testing-library/react-hooks xvi. Babel-loader xvii. Node-sass xviii. Prop-types xix.React-test-renderer