Pinned Repositories
Task 1: Implement a linear regression model to predict the prices of houses based on their square footage and the number of bedrooms and bathrooms
Task 2: Create a K means clustering algorithm to group customers of a retail store based on their purchase history
Task 3 Implement a support vector machine (SVM) to classify images of cats and dogs from the Kaggle dataset.
Task-04: Develop a hand gesture recognition model that can accurately identify and classify different hand gestures from videos or image data enabling intuitive human-computer interaction and gesture-based control
Task 05: Develop a model that can accurately recognize food items from images and estimate their calorie content and enabling users to track their dietary intake and make informed food choices
sanju318's Repositories
Task 1: Implement a linear regression model to predict the prices of houses based on their square footage and the number of bedrooms and bathrooms
Task 2: Create a K means clustering algorithm to group customers of a retail store based on their purchase history
Task 3 Implement a support vector machine (SVM) to classify images of cats and dogs from the Kaggle dataset.
Task-04: Develop a hand gesture recognition model that can accurately identify and classify different hand gestures from videos or image data enabling intuitive human-computer interaction and gesture-based control
Task 05: Develop a model that can accurately recognize food items from images and estimate their calorie content and enabling users to track their dietary intake and make informed food choices