
All dates are year 2018 AD.

Project Name Summary Date
0x00-hello_world four steps of compilation w GCC & first C programs 1/17 - 1/18
0x01-variables_if_else_while loops and logic in C 1/18 - 1/19
0x02-Functions, nested loops 1/22 - 1/25
0x03-More functions and nested loops 1/25 - 1/26
0x04-pointers_arrays_strings 1/25 - 1/26
0x05-pointers_arrays_strings 2/1 - 2/2
0x06-pointers_arrays_strings 2/5 - 2/6
0x07-recursion 2/7 - 2/8
0x08-static_libraries 2/9 - 2/12
0x09-argc_argv 2/9 - 2/12
0x0A-malloc_free 2/13 - 2/14
0x0B-more_malloc_free 2/15 - 2/16
0x0C-preprocessor 2/19 - 2/20
0x0D-structures_typedef 2/19 - 2/20
0x0E-function_pointers 2/21 - 2/22