
Function Requirements

Login with Anonymous (GUF) & Registered User

  • Platform Users (Admin/Maintainer), Retail Users (End Users), Anonymous Users (limited functionality)

General Functionality

  • Product Catalog Management:
    • Provides functionality for managing products available on the website, including their descriptions, images, prices, and other relevant information.
  • Inventory Management Related to Catalog:
    • Search: Enables users to search for specific products within the catalog based on various criteria.
    • Add/Remove/Mark as Unavailable: Allows administrators to add new products, remove existing ones, and mark products as unavailable when necessary.
    • Inventory Reporting: Generates reports detailing the current status of inventory, including stock levels, sales trends, and other relevant metrics.
    • Reconciliation of Inventory: Ensures consistency between recorded inventory levels and actual stock on hand through periodic reconciliation processes.
  • Cart Management:
    • Enables users to add multiple products to their shopping carts for convenient checkout.
  • Checkout Scenario with Login/GUF:
    • Enforce Login before Checkout: Requires users to log in or proceed as a guest (if allowed) before initiating the checkout process.
    • Inventory Check before Checkout: Verifies product availability and updates inventory levels before allowing users to proceed with payment.
    • Lock Products in the Cart: Temporarily reserves selected products in the user's cart for a specified duration (e.g., 10 minutes) to prevent overselling during the checkout process.
    • Retry Payment Option: Provides users with the ability to retry failed payment transactions without losing their cart contents.
    • Send Email Notifications with Order Details: Sends confirmation emails to users upon successful completion of an order, providing them with order details and transaction summaries.
  • Order Management:
    • Order History Management: Maintains a comprehensive record of all previous orders placed by users for reference and tracking purposes.
    • Order Cancellations: Allows users to cancel orders within a specified timeframe, with appropriate updates to inventory and payment status.
  • User Details Management:
    • Facilitates the management of user profiles, including shipping and billing addresses, contact information, and password reset functionalities.
    • Username (Email)/Password Management: Enables users to update their login credentials securely.
    • Create New Catalog Type: Allows administrators to define and manage different types or categories of products within the catalog.
  • Payment Service:
    • Manages payment transactions securely, providing users with various payment options and processing payments in compliance with relevant regulations.
    • Transaction Details: Records transaction details, including the last four digits of the card used for payment, for reference and auditing purposes.
    • Generation of Reconciliation Reports: Generates detailed reports reconciling payment transactions with order records and inventory updates for accounting and auditing purposes.

Future Enhancements:

  1. Search/Delivery/Service - Region Separation
  2. Integration of Third-Party Sellers
  3. Additional Features for Business Users (Sellers)