
Primary LanguageGo

Cache with eviction policy

Problem Statement: Create an in-memory cache in Go for storing String values based on a String key. Expect that the cache will continually have previously unseen keys added to it, and that some keys will be fetched more frequently than others.

Design details

This cache implementation has following signature:

type Cache interface {
// Inserts the provided key/value pair into the cache, making it
// available for future Get() calls.
Put(key, value string)
// Returns a value previously provided via Put(). An empty String
// may be returned if the requested data was never inserted or is
// no longer available.
Get(key string) string

This cache implementation is based on least-recently-used eviction policy. Normally to store key-value pair, map data-structure is sufficient. But to evict and find least-recently-used key efficiently, this cache implementation relies on map along with doubly-linked-list .

Here how this implementation works:

  • To add a new key-value pair into the cache, a new-node is added at the head of the linked-list. Also, if a key is fetched recently, it will be removed from its current position and moved to the head of the list. So all the recently-used keys will always be at the head of the list.
  • Least-recently-used keys will be on the node which are near to the tail of the list.
  • In-memory map holds (key,Node) pairs which helps to find a node in linked-list in constant(O(1)) time. Similarly, adding/removing a node is also achieved in constant(O(1)) time in doubly-linked-list.
  • After the cache's size exceed the capacity, least-recently-used key is removed from the tail of the linked-list to support eviction policy.
  • To ensure thread-safety, sync.Mutex is used for performing operations on the cache.

How to run

  • To download and sync the dependencies run the command make deps-update from Makefile.

  • To run unit-tests, run make test from Makefile.

  • This implementation is meant to be consumed as library(package). Given that you have correct access rights on the repo, it can be consumed by running go get <module_name> or go install <module_name>.

  • Example:

import "github.com/sankalp-r/cache"

func main() {
   lruCache, _ := cache.NewCache(5)
   lruCache.Put("key", "val")

Limitations and enhancement-scope

  • As this is an in-memory implementation, it will not scale well as the data grows large. To solve this issue, persistence like redis can be used by creating another implementation of Cache interface.
  • Different types of eviction policies can be easily added by implementing the Cache interface.