VIT-Emergency-Medical-Assistance-System-VEMAS- VITConnect

About The Project

A web application that will help the students to get the best emergency medical assistance by connecting parallelly the doctors & proctor for approval using real-time API, prior to connecting to the ambulance service point specially designed for VIT Bhopal students.

{ About the Project - Detailed Description}

Built With

This project was built using :-

  • Java
  • React.js
  • MySQL
  • Real-time API (fetch API)
  • Node.Js
  • Firebase

Problem Statement

The issue at hand is VIT Bhopal's students' insufficient access to emergency medical care. Even if a student has obtained consent from a doctor, the present system mandates that they still get approval from their proctor or another direct contact person, such a supervisor or deputy warden. It is further challenging for students to access prompt medical care due to the convoluted protocol involved in calling for an ambulance. The problem may be fixed by putting in place a project that will simplify the procedure for students to obtain medical help.

Objective of the Project

The proposed project will provide an online platform for students to log in and fill out a form with their name, registration ID, and details of their medical emergency, including any relevant medical history. The form will be sent simultaneously to the doctor, supervisor, and the proctor for reference. Upon approval, an ambulance will be called immediately through an assistance point and will transport the patient to the nearest hospital. The project will also maintain live data, including the location of the ambulance, to ensure that the entire process runs smoothly. Also, academic consideration will be done on the reports of the same.

Current Updates

  • The Front-End is ready.
  • Backend framework is under construction.
  • Page is responsive.

Future works (Under Progress)

  • Complete backend Server.
  • API Call debug, realtime database call.
  • Data storage and management of data (in history) on time-to-time basis.

Expected Outcome

This project aims to provide a more efficient and streamlined process for students to receive medical assistance during emergencies. By eliminating the need for multiple approvals, the system will ensure that students can receive medical attention in a timely manner, potentially saving time and providing smooth service efficiently. Additionally, the project will store data to improve the efficiency of the system over time. Ultimately, this project will improve the current medical assistance system in VIT Bhopal and ensure that students receive the care they need during emergencies.