React + Redux + Thunk learning project.
- Log in with Google account.
- Display photos that are not in any of your Google Photos Albums.
- Create new album.
- Todo: Add existing photos without album to newly created album (Not supported by API at the moment)
- Todo: Specify amount of albums and photos to search. Now limits are hard-coded to ~5 albums and ~50 photos: albums default value, photos default value.
yarn install # Setup the project
yarn run start # Run the app (against real backend)
yarn run start:mocks # Run the app against mocked backend (skipped Google login)
yarn run lint # Run Eslint
yarn run test # Run unit + UI tests
yarn run test:e2e # Run E2E tests. Need to run 'yarn start:mocks' first.
Some notable libraries.
- React (Create React App template)
- Redux
- Redux Thunk middleware
- Redux Sagas
- React router (unused but set up)
- Eslint
- Axios HTTP request library
- Miligram css framework
- Redux Ducks structure
- Unit - Jest
- UI - Jest + Enzyme (snapshots)
- E2E - Puppeteer