
Primary LanguageJava

Problem statement:


We are about to enter the world filled with mystical and magic creatures called pokemons. Each pokemon is a creature with some mystical ability (like Fire, Water etc.), You are one of the "breeder" who befriend pokemons and raise them. Once you have befriended a pokemon, the pokemon completely obeys you.

Each pokemon belongs to one of the following types (Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Ghost and Fighting) and once you start working with the pokemon, it starts becoming stronger. One easy way to make your pokemons stronger is to make your pokemons fight against the pokemons of other breeders. Each time a pokemons wins a battle against other pokemons, it accumulates experience (XP) and once considerable experience has been gained, it levels up.

The type of the pokemon plays a key role in deciding the victory as each type has advantages over some other type. For example: Fire type pokemons have advantage over Grass and Ghost type. The complete list of types and the other type it has advantage over is listed below

Fire -> [Grass, Ghost] Water -> [Fire] Grass -> [Electric, Fighting] Electric -> [Water] Psychic -> [Ghost] Ghost -> [Fighting, Fire, Electric] Fighting -> [Electric]

For example: If I have a Water type with level 10 and the opponent has a fire type upto level 19, the water type still holds the advantage. The advantage disappears only when the pokemon level is twice as much. i.e. A water type of level 10 has zero advantage over a fire type of level 20. If the fire type pokemon has level more than 20, then it is in advantage (Fire pokemon at level 21 or more is better than water pokemon at level 10). If there is neither advantage or disadvantage or if the two pokemons are of the same type, then the level of the pokemon is considered as an advantage. The higher the level better are the chances of winning. For example: Grass and Water have no advantage or disadvantage with each other. Then the pokemon with the higher level is assumed to have advantage. Same is the case with two pokemons of same types. When two pokemons of same type or type with no adv./disadv. but with same levels battle, the possibility of the match resulting in a draw is higher.

Each breeder can hold exactly 5 pokemons. One pokemon can battle one opponent pokemon only. Each breeder can hold maximum of one pokemon of each type. (Validate this in your code)

The input to the problem statement is the list of pokemons that you have with their types and levels in the first line and the list of pokemons of the opponent with the types and levels in the second line. (Type#level)

Fire#3;Water#2;Psychic#12;Fighting#1;Electric#100 Fire#1;Fighting#1;Water#100;Electric#12;Ghost#10

The output of the program should be to give a sequence in which I should arrange my pokemons so that I get the advantage on at least 3 of the 5 battles. If I do not get advantage of 3 out of 5, it should intimate that with an error message that "There are no chance of winning"

Sample Input:

Fire#10;Water#20;Fighting#6;Psychic#10;Electric#12 Water#10;Fighting#10;Psychic#10;Fire#12;Grass#2

The output should be: Electric#12;Fire#10;Psychic#10;Water#20;Fighting#6

Explanation: Round 1: Electric#12 has advantage than Water#10 (Type and level advantage) Round 2: Fire#10 and Fighting#10 may result in a draw Round 3: Psychic#10 vs Psychic#10 may result in a draw Round 4: Water#10 has advantage over Fire#12 (Type Advantage) Round 5: Fighting#6 has advantage over Grass#2 (level advantage)

Thus 3/5 battles are in advantage position in this order.