
Learned from Durga

Primary LanguageJava

1. Lambda Expression

  • Interface implementation is not required
  • Lambda expression is an anonymous funftion(no name)
  • Lambda expression does not have name , modifier and return type

Concrete method to lambda expression

Example 1:

    public void m1(){

Remove name , modifier and return type
public void m1(){

    () -> { System.out.println("Hello"); }
    () -> System.out.println("Hello"); 

Example 2:

       public void add (int a, int b){

Remove name , modifier and return
public void add (int a, int b){

       (int a, int b) -> { System.out.println(a+b); } 

Type Inference : Type can be ignored for method arguments if the compiler can guss it automatically.
(a,b) -> System.out.println(a+b);
Example 3:

   public int  getLength (String s){
             return s.length();

Remove name , modifier and return
public int getLength (String s){
return s.length();

          (String s) -> {return s.length(); }
          (String s) -> return s.length();
          (String s) -> s.length();
          s -> s.length();

Note :

  • Curly braces are optional if the body contains only one statement
  • Type is not mandatory for method arguments if the compiler can guss it automatically(Type inference)
  • Parenthesis are optional if only one argument is present.

2. Functional Interface

  1. It should contain exactly on abstract method(SAM - Single abstract method)
  2. It can contain any number of default methods and static methods.
  3. It acts as a type of lambda expression
    Eg: Interface i = () -> System.out.println('Hello');
  4. It can be used to invoke lambda expression.
  5. Examples Comparable, Runnable, Callable, ActionListener etc
  6. An interface can be marked as functional interface using @FunctionalInterface

Lambda expressions with Collection


1. List 
    When order of insertion preserved
    Duplicates are allowed.
    ArrayList, LinkedList , Vector -> Stack
2. Set
    When order doen't matter
    Duplicates are not allowded
 3. Map
    Represent group of object as key value pairs.

Comparator interface & Compare method

  • To define custom sorting

     public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) 
    • Return -ve if obj1 comes before obj2
    • Return +ve if obj1 comes after obj2
    • Return 0 if obj1 and obj2 are equal


    Collections.sort(list) - Default sort(ascending/albhabetical order) will be applied
    Collections.sort(list,Comparator) - Customised Sorting

    TreeSet - Sorted set

    TreesSet<Integer> t = new TreeSet<Integer>(); // Default sorting
    TreesSet<Integer> t = new TreeSet<Integer>(Comparator c) // Customised sorting;

    TreeMap - Sorting will be based on the Key

    TreeMap<Interger,String> tm = new TreeMap<Integer,String>(); //Default Sorting
    TreeMap<Interger,String> tm = new TreeMap<Integer,String>(); //Customised Sorting

    Anonymous inner class - Inner class without name

    Runnable r= new Runnable(){
       public void run(){
Note : 
1.Anonymous inner class  class can be replaced by a lambda expression if the inner class extends an interface which contain only one method(ie functional interface).
2. Instance variable can't be decalre inside lambda expression
3. Lambda expression is not to replace annonymous inner class.    

Default methods inside interface

Till java 1.7 all methods interface can have only abstract methods and public static final variables.
Java 1.8 allows concrete methods inside interface.
Concrete methods declared inside interface is known as default methods.


Interface intf {
  default void m1(){


  • Default methods are available in implementation class by default.
  • Default methods can be over ride in implementation class
  • If a class implement 2 interface with same default method compile time issue will occur. To resolve this issue override method in the implementation class and specify the interface in it. As below
class Sample implements Left,Righyt{
 Public void m1(){
  p.sv.m(String args[] ){
    Sample s = new Sample();

Static methods inside interface

  • Java 1.8 onwards static methods can de define inside interface - To define general utility methods.
  • Interface's static method can call only with interface name. Static method won't be available in implementation class by default. Inerf.m1(); .
  • Overriding is not applicable for interface static method.
  • main() method can be declare inside interface. So interface compile and run.

Predefined functional interfaces

Examples: Predicates , Function, Consumer, Supplier

Predefined functional interfaces

Examples: Predicates, Function, Consumer, Supplier etc


1. Predicates

  • Predicate is a functional interface which execute a condition and returns a boolean value

  • Package java.util.function

  • Contains only one abstract method test

               Interface Predicate<T> {
                  boolean test(T t);


(Integer i)  -> {
     if(i > 10) 
       return true;
       return false;


i -> (i> 10) ? true : false;


Predicate<Integer> p = i -> i>10;

System.out.println(p.test(100)); // true
System.out.println(p.test(2)); // false

Predicate p = c -> c.isEmpty();
p.test(new ArrayList());

Predicate Joining

  • p1.add(p2) - Joining the condition of two predicates

  • p1.or(p2) - Check of at least one predicate match

  • p1.negate() - Check the negative condition of p1.

  • isEqual

 Predicate<String> p = Predicate.isEqual("Java");

2. Function

 Interface Function<T,R> { // T - input parameter , R - return type
  R apply(T t);
  Function<String,Integer> f = s-> s.length();
  • Can accept 2 arguments input and return type.
  • apply is the method
  • Can return any type.

Function Chaining

  • fi.addThen(f2) - To join two function. f2 will be applied to the result of f1.
  • f1.compose(f2) - f1 will be applied to the result of f2
  • identity - Returns a function that always its input argument.

3. Consumer

  • contains method accept

  • Consume one parameter and not return anything(void)

     Consumer<String> c = s-> System.out.println(s);

andThen - For consumer chaining c1.addThen(c2).addThen(c3)

4. Supplier

  • contains only one method get and Supplier return R.

  • Supplier not take any input

    -- BiPredicate

  • Predicate that can accept two input values


  • Function that can accept two input values


  • Consumer that can accept two input values

Primitive type functional interfaces


Automatic type conversion from primitive to wrapper object by compailer. Integer i =10 , is invalid til 1.4. After autoboxing is introduced in java.


Integer I = new Integer(10);

int x = I , compailer converts Integer object to primitive int.

Generic - Type parameter

Parameter should be Object type

ArrayList al = new ArrayList , is not allowed.

Need of primitive type functional interface

is need to perform autoboxing and auto unboxing if a primitive type is passed to a predicate and which affected performance. Step 1: Generic can only accept Object so primitive need to convert to Object with Predicate. Step 2: Object need to convert to primitive to use it.

So primitive type functional interface should be used when input type and return type are primitive, to improve performance.

1. IntPredicate
public boolean test(int i);

Example IntPredicate p = i -> i%2;

2. LongPredicate - always take long value as argument
3. DoublePredicate

Primitive function

  • Takes only int as input argument and return type is Integer.

    IntFunction <Integer> f = i -> i*i;

    Input is in and return type is Integer.

    Here only input type is primitive

  • Input type can be anything but always return int. applyAsInt is the method.

    ToIntFunction<String> f = s -> s.length();
3. IntToDoubleFunction
  • input is int and return type is double.

  • Method is applayAsDouble

    InToDoubleFunction f = i -> Math.sqrt(i);
4. LongFunction

Input type is always int R is the return type

5. DoubleFunction

Input type is always double



7. IntToDoubleFunction









applyAsInt(T t,U u) , where T and U are input arguments.


Primitive Versions for Consumer

  1. IntConsumer , if input in int
  2. LongConsumer ,if input in long
  3. DoubleConsumer , if input in double 4 .ObjIntConsumer - which takes two arguments Object and int
ObjIntConsumer<T> {
  public void accept(T t, int i);
  1. ObjLongConsumer
  2. ObjDoubleConsumer

Primitive Versions for Supplier

  1. IntSupplier - getAsInt
  2. LongSupplier - getAsLong
  3. DoubleSupplier - getAsDouble
  4. BooleanSupplier - getAsBoolean

UnaryOperator and its Primitive Versions

Function with same input and return type.

            Interface UnaryOperator<T> {
              public T appl(T t);

Example, UnaryOperator<Integer> uo = i -> i*i; uo.apply(10);

1.IntUnaryOperator - applyAsInt

2.LongUnaryOperator - applyAsLong

3.DoubleUnaryOperator - applyAsDouble


If two inputs and return type of a BiFunction are same , BinaryOperator is used.

Interface BinaryOperator<T> { public T apply(T t1, T t2); }

Primitives of BinaryOperator
  1. IntBinaryOperator - applyAsInt
  2. LongBinaryOperator - applyAsLong
  3. DoubleBinaryOperator - applyAsDouble

Double Colon :: Operator

1. Method Reference by :: operator

Below example m1() refers m2() . Also m2 is used as implementation for m1.

  • Both methods arguments and types should be matched.
  • Different way of implementing interface other than lambda expression.
  • method reference is an alternative for lambda expression.
  Interface Inf
     public void m1();
  class Test {

   public static void m2()
      System.out.println("Method Reference");

    public static void main(String args[]){
       Inf in = Test::m2;

2. Constructor Reference by :: operator


java.io.streams - Deals with data for file operations

java.util.Streams - Used to process objects from the collection.

Streams::Filter and Map

l is an ArrayList<Integer> , then to make a new list with even numbers from l

ArrayList<Integer> l1 = l.stream().filter(i-> i%2==0).collect(Collector.toList());

Map List<Integer> l2 = l.stream().map(i -> i*2).collect(Collectors.toList());

Streams - Methods

collect - To collect items from a stream

count - To count items in a stream


sorted()- Default sort

sorted(Comparator) - Custom sort

Min and Max -

Can only apply to sorted stream



l.stram().forEach(s -> System.out.println(s));


toArray() - To copy elements present in the stream to an Array

Example , Integer[] airray = l.stream().toArray(Integer[]:: new);

StreamOf - To deals with group of values or arrays.


for group of values,

    Stream<Integer> s = Stream.of(9,99,999,9999,9999;

For arrays

     Double[] d = { 100,101,102,103};
     Stream<Double> s = Stream.of(d);

Date and Time API

Joda Time API

LocalDate  date = LocalDate.now();
LocalTime time = LocalTime.now();

int dd= date.getDayOfMonth();
int mm=date.getMonthValue();
int yyyy = date.getYea();

System.out.printf("%d-%d-%d", dd,mm,yyyy);
int hour = time.getHour();
int minute = time.getMinute();
int seconds = time.getSecond();
int nanoseconds = time.getNano();

LocalDateTime - For both date and time.

LocalDateTime dt= LocalDateTime.now();
System.out.println("Local Date Time :"+dt);

To represent a particular date time

    LocalDateTime dt = LocalDateTime.of(yy,mm,dd,h,m,s,ns);

dt.plusMonths(6); // Date time after 6 months dt.minusMonths(6); // Date time before 6 months

Like wise days,weeks etc. Refer LocalDateTime API

######Period Duration between two Dates.

LocalDate birthday = LocalDate.of(1986,3,14);
LocalDate today = LocalDate.now();
Period p = Period.between(birthday,today);
System.out.printf("Your age is %d years %d months and %d days",p.getYears(),p.getMonths(),p.getDays());

Year y = Year.of(year);

ZoneId, ZoneDateTime
     ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.systemDefault();

     ZoneId la = ZoneId.of("America/Los_Angeles");
     ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.now(la);