
Weather Application using React Native and Open Weather API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Weather App

Project in progress

  • This is a mobile application development project for a Weather App using React-Native and Open Weather API.

  • The project uses the expo CLI for initial setup and other changes to the application.

  • Current Work:

    • Testing for Bugs.
    • Code CLeaning.
    • MAYBE - improve UI design for AddCityModal.

Current UI progress

Getting Started

  • To run this project you will need expo in your system, so first install expo cli by following the documentation.
  • Then navigate to the file and type the following : "npm install". This will install all the dependencies to your system.
  • Finally to run this, you can use expo start:
    • To run on ios emulator, you will need a macOS system and xCode installed. If you have them already you can just add a simulator and run ios or type i in the CLI.
    • To run android simulator you will need android studio installed and for a macOS you will have to finish two additional steps for it to work which can be found in the expo documentation.