
full-stack web framework for building sigma simulation interfaces

Primary LanguagePython

#SigmaWeb IEOR 131

##What is this? SigmaWeb is a simple framework for easily and quickly creating web interfaces for the Sigma simulation software. It is built as a self-contained package which requires only a default python installation to run. SigmaWeb was built for use in IEOR 131: Discrete Event Simulation, taught at U.C. Berkeley.


  • In order to use SigmaWeb, you must first prepare your sigma model to be compatible.
  • All variables that you want users to input should be placed in your RUN Event's parameters
  • Then, do a Fast C compile and copy the .c file and place it in SigmaWeb\sigma\src
  • If your model uses a .dat file place the file in SigmaWeb\tmp folder.


  • To run the server, double click on server.py, then open up your favorite browser and navigate to the given url


  • The settings.py file holds all your custom variable settings
  • Each time the server starts, it will read your file and use them throughout



info = {
    "team":   "Carwash Demo",
    "members":   "Sanketh, Soroush, Pranava, and Nathan",
        """This is a simulation demo of the classic Carwash model. 
           I hope you enjoy!"""
        """<h3>Additional Info:</h3>
            <li>LOREM IPSUM DOLOR</li>
            <li>LOREM IPSUM DOLOR</li>
            <li>LOREM IPSUM DOLOR</li>
            <li>LOREM IPSUM DOLOR</li>
            <li>LOREM IPSUM DOLOR</li>
  • team is your project or team name
  • members names of the team members
  • description is a description of the product note: HTML formatting is allowed here
  • additional shows up on the sidebar of the simulate page, use it to give additional information to your users about run parameters note: HTML formatting is allowed here


sigma = {
    "model": "Car_Wash",    
    "runtime":{"name": "RUNTIME",
               "display": "Running Time",
               "default": 1000
    "parameters": [
        {   "name": "QUEUE",
            "display": "Initial Queue",
            "default": 0

        {   "name": "SERVERS",
            "display": "Number of Washers",
            "default": 4
  • model should be the name of your .c file. However do NOT put the extension in this field.
  • runtime is a special run parameter, you should only need to change display and/or default here.
  • parameters is a list of parameter dictionaries, the order of this list is very important! The order of the parameters must match the order in your sigma model, otherwise the model will break.

Item in the parameter list:

  • name is the actual parameter name, for consistency, please use the same names you defined in your sigma model.
  • display is the friendly version of the variable name, this is what will appear in simulation form, it should be something descriptive and easy to understand.
  • default is the default value the form should begin at. When there get to be lots of parameters, it will be very cumbersome to enter in each one every time. Instead we can begin with a default value.


graphs = [
    {   "name": "Queue vs Time",
        "x-axis": "Time",
        "x-display": "Time (seconds)",
        "y-axis": "QUEUE",
        "y-display": "Number in Queue"

    {   "name": "Server vs Time",
        "x-axis": "Time",
        "x-display": "Time (seconds)",
        "y-axis": "SERVER",
        "y-display": "Servers Available"

  • graphs is a list of graph dictionaries to be displayed after the simulation completes. The order signifies the display order of the graphs on the results page.

Item in the graph list:

  • name is the title that appears above the graph

  • x-axis is the sigma variable to be used on the x-axis

  • x-display is what is displayed on the x-axis, it can provide more description than the variable name

  • y-axis is the sigma variable to be used on the y-axis

  • y-display is what is displayed on the y-axis, it can provide more description than the variable name

  • Also note that "Time" is a special variable here, it must be written exactly as so, with a capital T and the rest lowercase, it is how Sigma likes to output the name in the trace.


server = {
    "hostname": "localhost",
    "port": 9000
  • server are advanced settings for running the server. If you are unsure what to do here, leave the default values, you should not have a problem.
  • hostname is the ip address or host for the server to run on
  • port is the port number