
Collective on Introduction to Kubernetes

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Collective Talk - Introduction to Kubernetes

This repository contains various commands, manifests, and docs for the Collective talk on 05/24/2018. A lot of the following material is inspired and borrowed from the Kubernetes: Up and Running book. Refer to this awesome Medium article for diagrams and visualizing how the components interact with each other.


Try the following commands on your Kubernetes cluster:

Create a namespace for your collective playground and set context

$ kubectl create namespace collective
$ kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=collective

Working with Pods

Create a kuard pod

$ kubectl apply -f 01-kuard-pod.yaml

See all the pods in this namespace using get, read more details and description of the object using describe, log to get object's logs.

$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl describe pods
$ kubectl get logs pods

Delete the object using

$ kubectl delete pods kuard

Add health checks

$ kubectl apply -f 02-kuard-pod-health.yaml

Add resource requests and limits

$ kubectl apply -f 03-kuard-pod-resources.yaml

Add a volume to the pod

$ kubectl apply -f 04-kuard-pod-volume.yaml

Working with Labels and Annotations

As you run more applications on Kubernetes, the resources/objects scale in size and complexity. Labels and annotations let you work in sets of things that map how you think about your application. You can organize, mark, and cross-index resources to represent groups that make the most sense of your application.


Labels provide the foundation for grouping objects. Annotations provide a storage mechanism to hold nonidentifying information (metadata) that can be leveraged by other tools and libraries.

Run a few deployments and add labels to them

$ kubectl run alpaca-prod \
  --image=gcr.io/kuar-demo/kuard-amd64:1 \
  --replicas=2 \

$ kubectl run alpaca-test \
  --image=gcr.io/kuar-demo/kuard-amd64:2 \
  --replicas=1 \

$ kubectl run bandicoot-prod \
  --image=gcr.io/kuar-demo/kuard-amd64:2 \
  --replicas=2 \

$ kubectl run bandicoot-staging \
  --image=gcr.io/kuar-demo/kuard-amd64:2 \
  --replicas=1 \

Check the deployments

$ kubectl get deployments --show-labels

Modify the label for one of the deployments. Labels can be applied/updated after the object is created.

$ kubectl label deployments alpaca-test "canary=true"

Use the -L option to show a label value as a column

$ kubectl get deployments -L canary

Remove a label by applying a - suffix

$ kubectl label deployments alpaca-test "canary-"


Selectors are a way to find objects based on their labels. Check the pods

$ kubectl get pods --show-labels

Show pods on version 2

$ kubectl get pods --selector="ver=2"

Show pods with multiple selectors. (Logical AND)

$ kubectl get pods --selector="ver=2,app=bandicoot"

Show pods with labels matching a set of values. (Logical OR)

$ kubectl get pods --selector="env in (prod,staging)"

Selectors are also used in the YAML manifests to refer to Kubernetes objects. A selector of app=alpaca,ver in (1,2) would translate to the following:

    app: alpaca
    - {key: ver, operator: In, values: [1, 2]}


Annotations provide a place to store additional metadata for Kubernetes objects with the sole purpose of assisting tools and libraries. While labels are used to identify and group objects, annotations are used to provide extra information about where and object came from, how to use it, or policy around that object. When in doubt, add information to an object as an annotation and promote it to a label if you find yourself wanting to use it in a selector.

They can be defined in the common metadata section in every Kubernetes object.

    example.com/icon-url: "https://example.com/icon.png"

Annotations are convenient and provide powerful loose coupling, but should be used judiciously to avoid an untyped mess of data.


Delete the deployments created in this section.

$ kubectl delete deployments --all

Service Discovery

Service discovery tools help solve the problem of finding which processes are listening at which addresses for which services. A good service discovery system will enable users to resolve this information quickly and reliably. Such a system is low-latency. Kubernetes offers a Service object to create a named label selector. kubectl expose is used to create a service for a deployment.

Let's create a deployment

$ kubectl run alpaca-prod \
  --image=gcr.io/kuar-demo/kuard-amd64:1 \
  --replicas=3 \
  --port=8080 \

Expose this deployment by creating a service

$ kubectl expose deployment alpaca-prod

Check the service

$ kubectl get services -o wide

Let's create another deployment

$ kubectl run bandicoot-prod \
  --image=gcr.io/kuar-demo/kuard-amd64:2 \
  --replicas=2 \
  --port=8080 \

Create a service for this deployment

$ kubectl expose deployment bandicoot-prod

Check services

$ kubectl get services -o wide

The SELECTOR column indicates that the alpaca-prod service just gives a name to a selector, and specifies which ports to talk to for that service. The kubectl expose command pulls both the label selector and relevant ports from the deployment definition.

The service is also assigned a new type of virtual IP called a Cluster IP. This is a special IP address that the system will load-balance across all of the pods that are identified by the selector.

The cluster IP does not change, so it is appropriate to give it a DNS address. The issues with clients caching DNS results no longer apply.

$ ALPACA_POD=$(kubectl get pods -l app=alpaca \
  -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')

$ kubectl port-forward $ALPACA_POD 8090:8080

If you open the DNS Query section on the kuard app, and query bandicoot-prod for DNS Type A, you will see the following output.

;; opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 43754
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;bandicoot-prod.collective.svc.cluster.local.	IN	 A

bandicoot-prod.collective.svc.cluster.local.	30	IN	A

Readiness Checks

A readiness check is a way for an overloaded server to signal to the system that it doesn't want to receive traffic anymore. This is a great way to implement graceful shutdown. The server can signal that it no longer wants traffic, wait until existing connections are closed, and then cleanly exit.

Let's add a readiness check to our deployment.

$ kubectl edit deployment/alpaca-prod

Add a readiness check to the pod spec

        name: alpaca-prod
            path: /ready
            port: 8080
          periodSeconds: 2
          initialDelaySeconds: 0
          failureThreshold: 3
          successThreshold: 1

A pod with failing readiness check is removed from the service loadbalancer, so no more connections will be made to the pod via the service until it is ready.

You can confirm this by watching the endpoints of the service

$ kubectl get endpoints alpaca-prod --watch

Go to the browser and click the Fail link in the Readiness Probe tab. You should see the endpoint corresponding to the pod removed from the alpaca-prod service.

Service Types

So far, we have covered exposing services inside of a cluster. Oftentimes, the IPs for pods are only reachable from within the cluster. There are a few ways to allow external traffic reach the pods.


For a service of type NodePort, the system picks a port (or user specifies one), and every node in the cluster then forwards traffic from that port to the service. This is in addition to the Cluster IP that's already assigned to the service. With this feature, if you can reach any node in the cluster, you can reach the service too.

$ kubectl edit service alpaca-prod

Modify .spec.type from ClusterIP to NodePort.

$ kubectl describe svc alpaca-prod

Name:                     alpaca-prod
Namespace:                collective
Labels:                   app=alpaca
Annotations:              <none>
Selector:                 app=alpaca,env=prod,ver=1
Type:                     NodePort
Port:                     <unset>  8080/TCP
TargetPort:               8080/TCP
NodePort:                 <unset>  31212/TCP
Endpoints:      ,,
Session Affinity:         None
External Traffic Policy:  Cluster
Events:                   <none>


You can use LoadBalancer service type to create a new loadbalancer on your cloud provider and direct it to the nodes in your cluster. Basically, it is a superset of the NodePort service. In this case, since I'm running on AWS infrastructure, a classic ELB gets provisioned.

$ kubectl edit svc alpaca-prod

Modify .spec.type from NodePort to LoadBalancer

$ kubectl describe svc alpaca-prod

Name:                     alpaca-prod
Namespace:                collective
Labels:                   app=alpaca
Annotations:              <none>
Selector:                 app=alpaca,env=prod,ver=1
Type:                     LoadBalancer
LoadBalancer Ingress:     aebad48a95ee111e89b82022fc41c72f-225282263.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com
Port:                     <unset>  8080/TCP
TargetPort:               8080/TCP
NodePort:                 <unset>  31212/TCP
Endpoints:      ,,
Session Affinity:         None
External Traffic Policy:  Cluster
  Type    Reason                Age   From                Message
  ----    ------                ----  ----                -------
  Normal  Type                  13s   service-controller  NodePort -> LoadBalancer
  Normal  EnsuringLoadBalancer  13s   service-controller  Ensuring load balancer
  Normal  EnsuredLoadBalancer   10s   service-controller  Ensured load balancer

You can grab the LoadBalancer Ingress and open up a browser

$ LB_ING=$(kubectl get service alpaca-prod -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')

$ curl http://$LB_ING:8080

Advanced Details

It is possible to achieve manual service discovery by using the Endpoints object and label selectors. Cluster IPs are stable virtual IPs that load-balance traffic across all of the endpoints in a service.. Every node on the cluster runs a component called kube-proxy. The kube-proxy watches for new services/endpoints in the cluster via the API server, and then programs a set of iptables rules in the kernel of that host to rewrite the destination of packets, so they are directed at one of the endpoints for the service. If the set of endpoints changes, the set of iptables rules is rewritten.

Cleanup the services and deployments

$ kubectl delete svc,deploy -l app

Services offer a great way to dynamically find and react to the placement of where your workloads are running. Once your application can find a service, you are free to stop worrying about where things are running and when they move. Kubernetes will take care of the details of container placement.


Previously we covered how to run individual containers as pods. But pods are essentially one-off singletons. More often than not, you want multiple replicas running at a particular time for the following reasons:

  • Redundancy - Failure can be tolerated
  • Scale - More requests can be handled
  • Sharding - Different parts of a computation can be handled in parallel

A ReplicaSet acts as a cluster-wide Pod manager, ensuring that the right types and number of Pods are running at all times.

They are the building blocks used to describe common application deployment patterns and provide the underpinnings of self-healing for our applications at the infrastructure level. The act of managing the replicated Pods is an example of a reconciliation loop.

The reconciliation loop is constantly running, observing the current state of the world and taking action to try to make the observed state match the desired state. This approach is inherently goal-driven, self-healing, and it can often be easily expressed in a few lines of code.

One of the key themes that runs through Kubernetes is decoupling. In particular, all of the core concepts are modular with respect to each other and they are swappable with other components. In this spirit, the relationship between ReplicaSets and Pods is loosely coupled. ReplicaSets use label queries to identify the set of Pods they should be managing.

  • You can create a ReplicaSet that will adopt an existing pod, seamlessly moving from a single imperative Pod to a replicated set of Pods managed by a ReplicaSet
  • You can quarantine pods/containers that are misbehaving due to failing health checks. Update the set of labels on the sick Pod, disassociating it from the ReplicaSet (and service), so you can debug the Pod. The Pod is still running, available for the developers for interactive debugging, instead of resigning to debugging from logs.

ReplicaSet Spec

Create a ReplicaSet using

$ kubectl apply 05-kuard-rs.yaml

Since the number of Pods in the current state is less than the desired state, the ReplicaSet controller will create new Pods, using a Pod template that is contained in the ReplicaSet specification. The labels used for filtering the Pods are defined in the ReplicaSet spec are key to understanding how ReplicaSets work.

$ kubectl describe rs kuard

You can see if a Pod is being managed by a ReplicaSet by checking the kubernetes.io/created-by annotation. However, such annotations are created on a best-effort basis.

Scaling ReplicaSets


You can imperatively scale the ReplicaSet using

$ kubectl scale kuard --replicas=4


Declaratively, you can scale by updating the ReplicaSet spec in the yaml and using the apply command

  replicas: 3
$ kubectl apply -f 05-kuard-rs.yaml


Kubernetes supports Horizontal Pod Autoscaling. HPA requires the presence of the heapster Pod in the kube-system namespace. Follow the installation steps if you don't have heapster installed.

$ kubectl autoscale rs kuard --min=2 --max=5 --cpu-percent=80

Deleting ReplicaSets

$ kubectl delete rs kuard

If you don't want to delete the pods that are being managed by the ReplicaSet, you can set the --cascade flag to false, to ensure only the ReplicaSet object gets deleted and not the Pods

$ kubectl delete rs kuard --cascade=false


A DaemonSet ensures that a copy of a Pod is running across a set of nodes in a Kubernetes cluster. They are typically used to deploy system daemons such as log collectors and monitoring agents.

Creating a DaemonSet

Run a fluentd logging agent on every node

$ kubect apply -f 07-fluentd.yaml

See the description

$ kubectl describe daemonset fluentd --namespace kube-system

Name:           fluentd
Selector:       app=fluentd
Node-Selector:  <none>
Labels:         app=fluentd
Annotations:    kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration={"apiVersion":"extensions/v1beta1","kind":"DaemonSet","metadata":{"annotations":{},"labels":{"app":"fluentd"},"name":"fluentd","namespace":"kube-system...
Desired Number of Nodes Scheduled: 6
Current Number of Nodes Scheduled: 6
Number of Nodes Scheduled with Up-to-date Pods: 6
Number of Nodes Scheduled with Available Pods: 6
Number of Nodes Misscheduled: 0
Pods Status:  6 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed
Pod Template:
  Type    Reason            Age   From                  Message
  ----    ------            ----  ----                  -------
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  1m    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-9xlg8
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  1m    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-2z4gw

With the fluentd DaemonSet in place, adding a new node to the cluster will result in a fluentd Pod being deployed to that node automatically.

You can also restrict the nodes on which the DaemonSet can run. To be able to do that, you need to add labels to the nodes and use a nodeSelector field in the DaemonSet spec.

Using NodeSelector

Add a label to a node

$ kubectl label nodes ip-172-20-104-191.ec2.internal ssd=true

Run nginx-fast-storage DaemonSet

$ kubectl apply -f 08-nginx-fast-storage.yaml

Verify that the pods run only on the nodes that match the selector

Rolling Update of a DaemonSet

Usually updating a DaemonSet is achieved by deleting all the pods and changing the container image before running it again. This can result in downtime. To avoid this, update the spec.updateStrategy.type field to RollingUpdate. Any change to spec.template will trigger a rolling update now.


Stateful Sets

Persistent Volumes




The biggest thing I love about Kubernetes and its ecosystem is the community and culture. There is collaboration unlike anything I have seen before. I encourage you to participate in meetups/webinars, engage with the people involved, and there's a ton to learn here.

My favorites:

The best advice we give programmers is to leave things better than how they started. We do it with code, why don’t we do it with communities? Why don’t we do it with people, colleagues, friends? - Aurynn Shaw

Don't let your personal history be like a monolithic legacy application. Break everything down one piece at a time into manageable components, iterate, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Let kindness be your orchestrater, and curiosity be your operating system. - Jaice Singer DuMars