
Tic Tac Toe written in Go

Primary LanguageGo

Tic Tac Toe

Written in Go


  1. Install Go
  2. git clone git@github.com:jneander/tic-tac-toe-go.git
  3. cd tic-tac-toe-go
  4. ./setup

Running the Tests

  1. cd ttt
  2. go test

To see a more verbose output from the tests, use the -v flag as follows:

go test -v

Go test output can be difficult to follow. I recommend only using the verbose flag if you're curious.

Running the Game

While in the 'tic-tac-toe-go' directory, run the following command:


This executable was built on OS X. If you are on a different platform, you may need to create another build using Go.

Additional Resources

In order to use most of Go's features, you'll need to do some extra setup. The Go command-line tools have some requirements for workspace paths and environment variables. For more information, read the Go Documentation.