The coin wanted to call itself iamcoin
Core component used here is aiohttp
which provides HTTP api and WebSocket P2P connectivity. A block is mined every 10 minutes or when there are 10 transaction in pool (configurable). Reward for mining block is 100 coins.
Add peer
curl localhost:5000/addpeer -X POST --data "peer="
Get block count
curl localhost:5000/blockcount
List Peers
curl localhost:5000/peers
List Transactions in Transaction pool
curl localhost:5000/txpool
Get Balance
curl localhost:5000/balance
*Send transaction in Transaction pool
curl localhost:5000/sendtransaction --data '{"address":"8007305ba6672e4ce558d7502c904bce9b3a8263f2a66e3a79d6877b2c52c8a848601a43bd3f884b1b209cd3ca124daa","amount":30}'
mine block which will include all tx from pool
curl localhost:5000/mineblock -X POST