
Airline Checkin System APIs

Primary LanguageJava

Design Airline Check-in System

Requirements Gathering

  1. There are multiple Airlines
  2. Every Airline has multiple Flights
  3. Each Flight has 120 seats
  4. Each Flight has multiple Trips
  5. User can book a seat for available Trip
  6. Once seat is assigned to a passenger, the same seat can not be reassigned or transferred
  7. Multiple people should not be assigned to same seat

Non Functions Requirements

  1. Check-in should be as fast as possible
  2. When a passenger is booking a seat, it should not wait for other passengers bookings
  3. Ensure data is always in consistent state
  4. Ensure system is free of deadlocks
  5. Throughput should not be affected by db locking

Database Setup

postgres=# create user sanket with password 'sanket';


postgres=# create database airline__checkin;


postgres=# grant all privileges on database airline__checkin to sanket;



  1. User

     id | name | email | phone
  2. Airline

     id | name
  3. Flight

     id | name | airline_id
  4. Trip

     id | source | destination | starttime | flight_id
  5. Seat

     id | seat_number | seat_type | flight_id
  6. Booking

     id | booking_status | seat_id | trip_id | user_id


  User (1 -> M) Booking
  Airline (1 -> M) Flight
  Flight (1 -> M) Trip
  Flight (1 -> M) Seat
  Trip (1 -> M) Booking
  Seat (1 -> M) Booking


  1. Arpit Bhayani's system design problem
