
A Ruby on Rails application for managing set lists within a music community

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT



The Ruby on Rails application for set list management of the acoustic light music club "京大アンプラグド."


Protected by OAuth 2.0.


This project has Dev Container settings.


$ bin/setup

Start the rails server

$ bin/dev

Run the test suite

$ bin/rails spec

Format files

$ bin/rails rubocop:auto_correct
$ yarn run format

Create the first admin user

  1. Sign up for Auth0 and create an application (regular web)
  2. Overwrite AUTH0_* values in .env by your Auth0 application settings
  3. Run bin/rails db:seed:replant

Then, you can log in by email admin@example.com and password password.

Update DB schema

$ bin/rails ridgepole:dry-run
$ bin/rails ridgepole:apply

Rebuild Elasticsearch index

$ bin/rails elasticsearch:import:song FORCE=y

Enable to upload avatar images

  1. Sign up for Cloudinary
  2. Overwrite CLOUDINARY_URL value in .env


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/sankichi92/LiveLog. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.