First Function Contract

Walkthrough for the course TON & Telegram Blockchain Сourse

The project contains a simple implementation of a TON smart contract using FunC and scripts to deploy and interact with the contract on the testnet.

Table of Contents


This repository implements a smart contract project using TypeScript. It demonstrates the deployment and interaction with contracts on the blockchain using scripts and test cases.

Project Structure

  • contracts/ - Contains smart contract files.
  • build/ - Compiled contract outputs.
  • scripts/ - Scripts for deploying and interacting with contracts.
  • tests/ - Unit tests for the smart contracts.
  • temp/ - Temporary files, e.g., testnet configurations.
  • wrappers/ - JavaScript/TypeScript wrappers for contract interaction.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Install the required dependencies:
    yarn install


  1. Compile the contracts:
    yarn blueprint build
  2. Deploy the contract using scripts:
    yarn blueprint run


Run the unit tests using the following command:

yarn test


Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.