
A roleplaying universe taking place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Primary LanguageLua

CW: Star Wars

A roleplaying universe taking place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

How do I use this?

The first thing you'll need to do is get Clockwork set up on your server.

  1. Download Clockwork.
  2. Install Clockwork.
  3. Configure Clockwork.

After all of that is done, great, it's time to move on to the schema itself.

  1. Download the schema.
  2. Extract the schema from the zip file and rename it to cwstarwars
  3. Get your serial key.
  4. Install the schema. (scroll down to the Schema Installation step)
  5. Host workshop collection 693723945
  6. Lift off: you're done. Edit the intro in schema/cl_intro.lua and change all the factions' whitelist values to your liking in the schema/factions folder.

Having trouble? Post on the schema's thread. Do NOT open a support ticket on Cloud Sixteen.

Please remember this is the first preliminary version of the gamemode. It isn't finished yet.