- java docker kafka cqrs spring mongodb ddd grafana postgresql swagger event-sourcing prometheus clean-architecture flyway eventsourcing cqrs-es jaeger resilience4j event-sourcing-and-cqrs
- Spring - Java Spring
- Spring Data JPA - data access layer
- Spring Data MongoDB - Spring Data MongoDB
- Spring Cloud Sleuth - Spring Cloud Sleuth distributed tracing
- Kafka - Spring for Apache Kafka
- PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL database.
- Jaeger - Jaeger is a distributed tracing system
- Docker - Docker
- Prometheus - Prometheus
- Grafana - Grafana
- Flyway - Database migrations
- Resilience4j - Resilience4j is a lightweight, easy-to-use fault tolerance
- Swagger OpenAPI 3 - java library helps to automate the generation of API documentation
For local development:
make local // runs docker-compose.yaml with all required containers
run spring application