
demo / tutorial of python and luigi

Primary LanguagePython


demo / tutorial of python and luigi

Luigi should run all the Tasks in the schedule (this should go relatively quickly). You can then access the Central Scheduler at the following address: http://localhost:8082, and you should see the list of Task that have been run at that moment, along with their status.



  • python le_main.py

Run with luigi

pip install luigi


luigi –m <path to scheduler/job> <scheduler/job class name> --param1 <param1> ….. --paramN <paramN>
luigi –m luigi.jobs MyJob --name Junaid
import luigi
class MyJob(luigi.Task):
           name = luigi.Parameter(default=None)
           def requires(self):
                       return depends()
           def run(self):
           def input(self):
                       return <input path>
           def output(self):
                       return <output path>