Lottery Contract Documentation

The Lottery contract allows participants to join a lottery by contributing a specific amount of Ether. The lottery is managed by a designated manager who can pick a winner and distribute the prize.

Interact with this contract via Etherscan using the contract address "0x1F65312E129DBeBe306163210D170248a0F8b85b" in the Seploia Test Net.

Contract Overview

  • Contract Name: Lottery
  • Solidity Version: ^0.7.0
  • License: MIT

Public State Variables


  • Type: Array
  • Value Type: address payable

An array that stores the addresses of all participants who joined the lottery by contributing Ether.


  • Type: address payable

The address of the winner who is randomly picked by the manager.


  • Type: address payable

The address of the manager who oversees the lottery and performs administrative functions.


  • Type: uint256

The total amount of Ether accumulated from the participants' contributions.


  • Type: bool

A boolean flag indicating whether the lottery is currently open for participation.



A modifier that restricts access to functions only to the manager of the lottery.

Public Functions


  • Parameters: None
  • Payable: Yes

Allows a participant to join the lottery by sending 1 ETH as payment. The participant's address is added to the players array, and the totalFunds variable is incremented.


  • Parameters: None

Randomly selects a winner from the players array and transfers the majority (80%) of the totalFunds to the winner's address. The remaining funds are transferred to the manager. After picking a winner, the players array is reset, and the totalFunds variable is set to zero. The lottery is then closed.


  • Parameters: None
  • Returns: uint256

Returns the current balance of the lottery contract.


  • Parameters: None
  • Returns: address payable[]

Returns an array of addresses representing the participants who joined the lottery.


  • Parameters: None
  • Returns: address

Returns the address of the manager overseeing the lottery.


  • Parameters: None
  • Returns: address payable

Returns the address of the winner of the lottery.


  • Parameters: None

Closes the lottery and destroys the contract, transferring any remaining funds to the manager's address. Only the manager can call this function.


  • Parameters: None

Reopens the lottery for participation. Only the manager can call this function.