TwitterClone Smart Contract

The TwitterClone smart contract is a simple Ethereum-based contract that allows users to create tweets, like tweets, and unlike tweets. It is designed to replicate some of the basic features of a Twitter-like social platform. Currently working on the UI and also implementing User Profile, and other cool features.


  1. Create Tweet: Users can create tweets with a content string. The content must not be empty, and the tweet's timestamp is automatically recorded.

  2. Like Tweet: Users can like tweets created by others. You cannot like your own tweet, and you cannot like the same tweet multiple times.

  3. Unlike Tweet: Users can unlike a tweet they previously liked.

  4. Get Tweet Information: You can retrieve information about a tweet, including the author's address, content, timestamp, and the number of likes it has received.


  • Tweet: A struct representing a tweet with the following properties:
    • author: The Ethereum address of the tweet's author.
    • content: The content of the tweet.
    • timestamp: The timestamp when the tweet was created.
    • likers: An array of Ethereum addresses of users who have liked the tweet.


  • TweetCreated: Triggered when a new tweet is created. It records the author's address, tweet content, and the creation timestamp.

  • TweetLiked: Triggered when a tweet is liked. It records the index of the liked tweet and the address of the liker.

  • TweetUnliked: Triggered when a tweet is unliked. It records the index of the unliked tweet and the address of the unliker.


  • createTweet(string memory _content): Allows users to create a new tweet. The tweet content must not be empty.

  • likeTweet(uint256 _index): Allows users to like a tweet by its index.

  • unlikeTweet(uint256 _index): Allows users to unlike a previously liked tweet by its index.

  • hasLikedTweet(uint256 _index, address _liker): Checks if a specific user has liked a tweet.

  • getTweetsCount(): Returns the total number of tweets.

  • getTweet(uint256 _index): Retrieves the details of a tweet by its index, including author, content, timestamp, and the number of likes.


You can interact with this smart contract through Ethereum-compatible wallets or by deploying it to the Ethereum blockchain. To get started, you can compile and deploy the contract using a development environment like Remix or Truffle.


This smart contract is provided under the MIT License.