
throttling your pods in kubernetes cluster.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

kube-throttler : throttling your pods in kubernetes cluster

kube-throttler enables you to throttle your pods. It means that kube-throttler can prohibit to schedule any pods when it detects total amount of computational resource(in terms of resources.requests field) or the count of Running pods may exceeds a threshold .

kube-throttler provides you very flexible and fine-grained throttle control. You can specify a set of pods which you want to throttle by label selector and its threshold by Throttle/ClusterThrottle CRD (see deploy/0-crd.yaml for complete definition).

Throttle control is fully dynamic. Once you update throttle setting, kube-throttler follow the setting and change its status in up-to-date.

What differs from Quota?

Quota returns error when you tried to create pods if you requested resource which exceeds the quota. However Throttle won't return any errors when creating pods but keep your pods stay Pending state by just throttling running pods.

And Quota is based on Namespace which is the unit of multi tenancy in Kubernetes. Throttle provides a kind of virtual computational resource pools in more dynamic and more finer grained way.


kube-throttler is implemented as a kubernetes scheduler plugin by Scheduling Framework.

There are two ways to use kube-throttler:

  • Using pre-build binary
  • Integrate kube-throttler with your scheduler plugins

Pre-build binary

kube-throttler ships pre-build binary/container images which kube-throttler is integrated with kube-scheduler.

1. deploy kube-throttler in your cluster

kubectl create -f deploy/

This creates:

  • kube-throttler namespace, service accounts, RBAC entries
    • this will create a cluster role and cluster role binding. please see deploy/2-rbac.yaml for detail.
  • custom kube-throttler integrated kube-scheduler deployment
    • with sample scheduler config
      • scheduler name is my-scheduler
      • throttler name is kube-throttler

Integrate kube-throttler with your kube-scheduler plugins

1. Register kube-throttler in your scheduler

You need to register kube-throttler to your scheduler by calling app.WithPlugin() like this:

import (

	kubethrottler "github.com/everpeace/kube-throttler/pkg/scheduler_plugin"

func main() {
	command := app.NewSchedulerCommand(
		app.WithPlugin(kubethrottler.PluginName, kubethrottler.NewPlugin),

	defer logs.FlushLogs()

	if err := command.Execute(); err != nil {

See these documents and repos for details of Scheduling Framework:

2. add roles to your scheduler service account

kube-throttler requires [kube-throttler] cluster roles defined in deploy/rbac.yaml

3. enable kube-throttler in your scheduler config

You need to enable kube-throttler in your scheduler config. See deploy/config.yaml

Throttle CRD

a Throttle custom resource defines three things:

  • throttler name which is responsible for this Throttle custom resource.
  • a set of pods to which the throttle affects by selector
    • please note that throttler only counts running pods which is responsible for configured target scheduler names.
  • threshold of
    • resource amount of request-ed computational resource of the throttle
    • count of resources (currently only pod is supported)
    • those can be overridden by temporaryThresholdOverride. Please refer to below section.

And it also has status field. status field contains:

  • used shows the current total usage of reauest-ed resource amount or counts of Running pods matching selector
  • calculatedThreshold shows the calculated threshold value which takes temporaryThresholdOverride into account.
  • throttled shows the throttle is active for each resource requests or resource counts.
# example/throttle.yaml
apiVersion: schedule.k8s.everpeace.github.com/v1alpha1
kind: Throttle
  name: t1
  # throttler name which responsible for this Throttle custom resource
  throttlerName: kube-throttler
  # you can write any label selector freely
  # items under selecterTerms are evaluated OR-ed
  # each selecterTerm item are evaluated AND-ed 
    - podSelector:
          throttle: t1
  # you can set a threshold of the throttle
    # limiting total count of resources
      # limiting count of running pods
      pod: 3 
    # limiting total amount of resource which running pods can `requests`
      cpu: 200m
  # 'throttled' shows throttle status defined in spec.threshold.
  # when you tried to create a pod, all your 'request'-ed resource's throttle 
  # and count of resources should not be throttled
      pod: false
      cpu: true
  # 'used' shows total 'request'-ed resource amount and count of 'Running' pods 
  # matching spec.selector
      pod: 1
      cpu: 300m

Temporary Threshold Overrides

User sometimes increase/decrease threshold value. You can edit spec.threshold directly. However, what if the increase/decrease is expected in limited term?? Temporary threshold overrides can solve it.

Temporary threshold overrides provides declarative threshold override. It means, override automatically activated when the term started and expired automatically when the term finished. It would greatly reduces operational tasks.

spec can have temporaryThresholdOverrides like this:

apiVersion: schedule.k8s.everpeace.github.com/v1alpha1
kind: Throttle
  name: t1
      pod: 3 
      cpu: 200m
      memory: "1Gi"
      nvidia.com/gpu: "2"
  # begin/end should be a datetime string in RFC3339
  # each entry is active when t in [begin, end]
  # if multiple entries are active all active threshold override 
  # will be merged (first override lives for each resource count/request).
  - begin: 2019-02-01T00:00:00+09:00
    end: 2019-03-01T00:00:00+09:00
        cpu: "5"
  - begin: 2019-02-15T00:00:00+09:00
    end: 2019-03-01T00:00:00+09:00
        cpu: "1"
        memory: "8Gi"

temporaryTresholds can define multiple override entries. Each entry is active when current time is in [begin, end] (inclusive on both end). If multiple entries are active, all active overrides will be merged. First override lives for each resource count/request. For above example, if current time was '2019-02-16T00:00:00+09:00', both overrides are active and merged threshold will be:

resourceCounts:    # this is not overridden 
  pod: 3
  cpu: "5"         # from temporaryThresholdOverrides[0]
  memory: "8Gi"    # from temporaryThresholdOverrides[1]

These calculated threshold value are recoreded in staus.calculatedThrottle field. The field matters when deciding throttle is active or not.

How kube-throttler works

I describe a simple scenario here. Note that this scenario holds with ClusterThrottle. The only difference between them is ClusterThrottles can targets pods in multiple namespaces but Throttle can targets pods only in the same namespace with it.

  • define a throttle t1 which targets throttle=t1 label and threshold cpu=200m and memory=1Gi.
  • create pod1 with the same label and requests cpu=200m
  • then, t1 status will transition to throttled: cpu: true because total amount of cpu of running pods reaches its threshold.
  • create pod2 with the same label and requests cpu=300m and see the pod stays Pending state because cpu was throttled.
  • create pod1m with same label and requests memory=512Mi. ane see the pod will be scheduled because t1 is throttled only on cpu and memory is not throttled.
  • update t1 threshold with cpu=700m, then throttle will open and see pod2 will be scheduled.
  • t1's cpu capacity remains 200m (threshold is cpu=700m and used cpu=500m) now.
  • then, create pod3 with same label and requests cpu=300m. kube-throttler detects no enough space left for cpu resource in t1. So, pod3 stays `Pending.

Lets' create Thrttle first.

kubectl create -f example/throttle.yaml 

Just after a while, you can see the status of the throttle change:

$ kubectl get throttle t1 -o yaml
  throttlerName: kube-throttler
    - podSelector:
          throttle: t1
      pod: 5
      cpu: 200m
      memory: 1Gi
      pod: false
      cpu: false
      memory: false
    resourceRequests: {}

Then, create a pods with label throttle=t1 and requests cpu=300m.

kubectl create -f example/pod1.yaml

after a while, you can see throttle t1 will be activated on cpu.

$ kubectl get throttle t1 -o yaml
      pod: false
      cpu: true
      memory: false
      pod: 1
      cpu: "0.200"

Next, create another pod then you will see the pod will be throttled and keep stay Pending state by kube-throttler.

$ kubectl create -f example/pod2.yaml
$ kubectl describe pod pod2
  Type     Reason            Age               From               Message
  ----     ------            ----              ----               -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling  14s (x9 over 1m)  my-scheduler       pod is unschedulable due to throttles[active]=(default,t1)

In this situation, you can run pod1m requesting memory=512Mi because t1's memory throttle is not throttled.

$ kubectl create -f example/pod1m.yaml
$ kubectl get po pod1m
pod1m     1/1       Running   0          24s
$ kubectl get throttle t1 -o yaml
      pod: false
      cpu: true
      memory: false
      pod: 2
      cpu: "0.200"
      memory: "536870912"

Then, update t1 threshold with cpu=700m

$ kubectl edit throttle t1
# Please edit threshold section 'cpu: 200m' ==> 'cpu: 700m'

$ kubectl describe pod pod2
  Type     Reason            Age               From               Message
  ----     ------            ----              ----               -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling  14s (x9 over 1m)  my-scheduler       pod is unschedulable due to throttles[active]=(default,t1)
  Normal   Scheduled         7s                my-scheduler       Successfully assigned default/pod-r8lxq to minikube
  Normal   Pulling           6s                kubelet, minikube  pulling image "busybox"
  Normal   Pulled            4s                kubelet, minikube  Successfully pulled image "busybox"
  Normal   Created           3s                kubelet, minikube  Created container
  Normal   Started           3s                kubelet, minikube  Started container

You will also see t1 status now stays open.

$ kubectl get throttle t1 -o yaml
    - podSelector:
          throttle: t1
      pod: 5
      cpu: 700m
      memory: 1Gi
      pod: false
      cpu: false
      memory: false
      pod: 3
      cpu: "0.500"
      memory: "536870912"

Now, t1 remains cpu:200m capacity. Then, create pod3 requesting cpu:300m. pod3 stays Pending state because t1 does not have enough capacity on cpu resources.

$ kubectl create -f example/pod3.yaml
$ kubectl get po pod3
pod3   0/1     Pending   0          5s
$ kubectl describe pod pod3
  Type     Reason            Age               From          Message
  ----     ------            ----              ----          -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling  9s (x3 over 13s)  my-scheduler  0/1 nodes are available: 1 pod (default,pod3) is unschedulable due to , throttles[insufficient]=(default,t1)

Monitoring with Prometheus

kube-throttler exports prometheus metrics. Metrics are served on kube-scheduler's metrics endpoint. kube-throttler exports metrics below:

metrics name definition example
throttle_status_throttled_resourceRequests resourceRequests of the throttle is throttled or not on specific resource (1=throttled, 0=not throttled). throttle_status_throttled_resourceRequests{name="t1", namespace="default",uuid="...",resource="cpu"} 1.0
throttle_status_throttled_resourceCounts resourceCounts of the throttle is throttled or not on specific resource (1=throttled, 0=not throttled). throttle_status_throttled_resourceRequests{name="t1", namespace="default",uuid="...",resource="pod"} 1.0
throttle_status_used_resourceRequests used amount of resource requests of the throttle throttle_status_used_resourceRequests{name="t1", namespace="default",uuid="...",resource="cpu"} 200
throttle_status_used_resourceCounts used resource counts of the throttle throttle_status_used_resourceCounts{name="t1", namespace="default",uuid="...",resource="pod"} 2
throttle_status_calculated_threshold_resourceRequests calculated threshold on specific resourceRequests of the throttle throttle_status_calculated_threshold_resourceRequests{name="t1", namespace="default",uuid="...",resource="pod"} 2
throttle_status_calculated_threshold_resourceCounts calculated threshold on specific resourceCounts of the throttle throttle_status_calculated_threshold_resourceCounts{name="t1", namespace="default",uuid="...",resource="cpu"} 200
throttle_spec_threshold_resourceRequests threshold on specific resourceRequests of the throttle throttle_spec_threshold_resourceRequests{name="t1", namespace="default",uuid="...",resource="pod"} 2
throttle_spec_threshold_resourceCounts threshold on specific resourceCounts of the throttle throttle_spec_threshold_resourceCounts{name="t1", namespace="default",uuid="...",resource="cpu"} 200
clusterthrottle_status_throttled_resourceRequests resourceRequests of the clusterthrottle is throttled or not on specific resource (1=throttled, 0=not throttled). clusterthrottle_status_throttled_resourceRequests{name="clt1",uuid="...",resource="cpu"} 1.0
clusterthrottle_status_throttled_resourceCounts resourceCounts of the clusterthrottle is throttled or not on specific resource (1=throttled, 0=not throttled). clusterthrottle_status_throttled_resourceRequests{name="clt1",uuid="...",resource="pod"} 1.0
clusterthrottle_status_used_resourceRequests used amount of resource requests of the clusterthrottle clusterthrottle_status_used_resourceRequests{name="t1",uuid="...",resource="cpu"} 200
clusterthrottle_status_used_resourceCounts used resource counts of the clusterthrottle clusterthrottle_status_used_resourceCounts{name="clt1",uuid="...",resource="pod"} 2
clusterthrottle_status_calculated_threshold_resourceRequests calculated threshold on specific resourceRequests of the clusterthrottle clusterthrottle_status_calculated_threshold_resourceRequests{name="t1",uuid="...",resource="pod"} 2
clusterthrottle_status_calculated_threshold_resourceCounts calculated threshold on specific resourceCounts of the clusterthrottle clusterthrottle_status_calculated_threshold_resourceCounts{name="t1",uuid="...",resource="cpu"} 200
clusterthrottle_spec_threshold_resourceRequests threshold on specific resourceRequests of the clusterthrottle clusterthrottle_spec_threshold_resourceRequests{name="t1",uuid="...",resource="pod"} 2
clusterthrottle_spec_threshold_resourceCounts threshold on specific resourceCounts of the clusterthrottle clusterthrottle_spec_threshold_resourceCounts{name="t1",uuid="...",resource="cpu"} 200


Apache License 2.0

Change Logs (< 1.0.0)

Since 1.0.0, change logs have been published in Github releases.


  • Fixed
    • fail fast the liveness probe when kubernetes api watch stopped(#23)


  • Fixed
    • Watching Kubernetes events stopped when some watch source faced error (#22)


  • Changed
    • upgraded skuber version to v2.2.0
    • periodic throttle reconciliation which limits those which really need to


  • Fixed
    • reduced memory usage for large cluster. kube-throttler does not cache completed(status.phase=Succeeded|Failed) pods anymore.


  • Added
    • support Preempt scheduler extender at /preempt_if_not_throttled endpoint in order to prevent from undesired preemptions when high priority pods are throttled.


  • Changed
    • status.used counts on not only Running pod but all scheduled Pod
      • scheduled means pod assigned to some node but not finished. pod.status.phase != (Succeeded or Failed) && spec.nodeName is nonEmpty
    • skip unnecessary calculation when pod changed. It reduces controller's load when pod churn rate is high.
    • temporary threshold override reconciliation is now performed asynchronously


all changes are for performance issue.

  • Changed
    • now http server's request handling can be performed in isolated thread pool.
    • checking a pod is throttled are performed in different actor (ThrottleRequestHandler)
    • healthcheck is now performed in different actor WatchActor.
  • Fixed
    • can't collect dispatcher metrics.


  • Fixed
    • too frequent updates on throttles/clusterthrottles calculated threshold
  • Added
    • introduced status-force-update-interval (default: 15 m) parameter to update calculated threshold forcefully even if its threshold values are unchanged.


  • Fixed
    • "too old resource version" on init reconciliation for clusters with large number of throttles/clusterthrottles
  • Changed
    • log level for all the metrics changes is now debug.


  • Added
    • temporaryThresholdOverrides introduced. User now can define declarative threshold override with finite term by using this. kube-throttler activates/deactivates those threshold overrides.
    • status.calculatedThreshold introduced. This fields shows the latest calculated threshold. The field matters when deciding throttle is active or not. [cluster]throttle_status_calculated_threshold are also introduced.


  • Changed
    • BREAKING CHANGE: change spec.selector object schema to support OR-ed multiple label selectors and namespaceSelector in clusterthrottles. (#6)

Migration Notes from 0.3.x or before

  • stop kube-throttlers (recommend to make replicas to 0)
  • dump your all throttle/clusterthrottles kubectl get clusterthrottles,throttles --all-namespaces
  • replace selector.matchLabels with selector.selectorTerms[0].podSelecter.matchLabels in your crs
    # before
        matchLabels: { some object }
        matchExpressions: [ some arrays ]
    # after
        - podSelector:
            matchLabels: { some object }
            matchExpressions: [ some arrays ]
  • delete all throttle/clusterthrottles kubectl delete clusterthrottles,throttles --all-namespaces --all
  • update crds and rbacs kubectl apply -f deploy/0-crd.yaml; kubectl apply -f deploy/2-rbac.yaml
  • start kube-throttlers (recommend to make replicas back to the original value)
  • apply updated throttles/clusterthrottoles crs.


  • Changed
    • large refactoring #4 (moving throttle logic to model package from controller package)
    • skip un-marshalling matchFields field in NodeSelectorTerm.
      • the attribute has been supported since kubernetes v1.11.


  • Changed
    • sanitize invalid characters in metrics labels
    • remove metadata.annotations from metrics labels


  • Added
    • resourceCounts.pod in Throttle/ClusterThrottle so that user can throttle count of running pod.
  • Changed
    • previous compute resource threshold should be defined in resourceRequests.{cpu|memory}.


  • introduce ClusterThrottle which can target pods in multiple namespaces.
  • make Throttle/ClusterThrottle not burstable. This means if some throttle remains cpu:200m and pod requesting cpu:300 is trie to schedule, kube-throttler does not allow the pod to be scheduled. At that case, message of throttles[insufficient]=<throttle name> will be returned to scheduler.


  • watch-buff-size can be configurable for large pods
  • properly handle initial sync error


  • multi-throttler, multi-scheduler deployment support
    • throttlerName is introduced in Throttle CRD
    • throttler-name and target-scheduler-names are introduced in throttler configuration


  • fixed returning filter error when normal throttled situation.


first public release.