
CLI-tool for VMware Carbon Black Cloud REST API. Main purpose of this tool is to be able to conduct searches on multiple instances, using saved or custom queries.

Primary LanguagePython


CLI-tool for VMware Carbon Black Cloud REST API. Main purpose of this tool is to be able to conduct searches on multiple instances, using saved or custom queries.


API credentials The credentials are stored in KeePass-database in following format:

title = instance name
password = [API Secret Key]/[API ID]
url = [dashboard url]
notes = [Org key]


title = instance-1
url = https://example.com/
notes = ABCDEFGH

Ref. https://developer.carbonblack.com/reference/carbon-black-cloud/authentication/

If you want to use the -a switch on this tool to sweep all instances with the query you need to create file instances.txt which contains the instance names, in the same directory as cbc-cli.py.

The KeePass-database location can be configured in file config.ini. Sample content:



usage: cbc-cli.py [-h] [-a] [-v] [-i] [-e] [-ho DEVICE_NAME] [-st TIMEWINDOW] [-x PROXY] [-f F] [-w W] instance

positional arguments:
  instance         Instance name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -a               Sweep mode. When declared, it goes through all instances in instances.txt
  -v               Verbose mode. Output all available fields as JSON
  -i               Interactive mode
  -e               Enriched mode. Fetch enriched events. Contains more post-processed data, including process links.
  -ho DEVICE_NAME  Hostname to search
  -st TIMEWINDOW   Time window. y=year, w=week, d=day, h=hour, m=minute, s=second
  -x PROXY         HTTPS proxy :: e.g. -x - sorry no http :)
  -f F             Feed search mode :: usage: -f feed.json :: cbfeeds format (github.com/carbonblack/cbfeeds)
  -w W             Window search mode :: usage: -w 1440 :: Search events for timewindow of n-MINUTES around given
                   process GUID


Do a free query on all instances

python3 cbc-cli.py instance-2 -st 4w -a

Interactive mode, note that you can use -a switch to sweep all instances, otherwise it will reset back to False after a search if manually switched to 'All instances mode' in interactive mode.

python3 cbc-cli.py instance-2 -st 2h -i -a

Verbose mode

python3 cbc-cli.py instance-2 -st 1y -v
    ____             __                            __  _   _ _  _ 
   / __ \__  _______/ /___  ____  __   _   _____  / /_(_)_(_|_)(_)
  / /_/ / / / / ___/ __/ / / / / / /  | | / / _ \/ __/ __ `/ _ |  
 / ____/ /_/ (__  ) /_/ /_/ / /_/ /   | |/ /  __/ /_/ /_/ / __ |  
/_/    \__, /____/\__/\__, /\__, /    |___/\___/\__/\__,_/_/ |_|  
      /____/         /____//____/                                 

v0.0.1 by sanre
All instances mode: True
[0] General
[1] Discovery
[2] Execution
[3] Persistence
[4] Credential Access
[5] Lateral Movement
[6] Defense evasion
[7] Powershell
[8] Emotet
[10] Free search
[11] Toggle sweep mode (all instances or only the current)

NOTE for lazy people like myself: I recommend using rlwrap or similar readline wrapper to have command history and completion within CLI.. :) https://linux.die.net/man/1/rlwrap