
Primary LanguagePython


CLI-tool for Carbon Black Response written in python3, using cbapi wrapper library to query Carbon Black server instance's REST API.


From pip3:

  • cbapi
  • argparse

API credentials

In order to perform any queries via the API, you will need to get the API token for your CB user. This can be fetched from the CBR GUI. Once you acquire your API token, place it in one of the default credentials file locations:

  • /etc/carbonblack/
  • ~/.carbonblack/
  • /current_working_directory/.carbonblack/

The credentials are stored in INI format. The name of each credential profile is enclosed in square brackets, followed by key-value pairs providing the necessary credential information:




If you want to use the -a switch on this tool to sweep all instances with the query you need to create file instances.txt in the same directory where cbr-search.py is. To do this quickly, just run this hacky one-liner.

awk -F "[][]" '{print $2}' ~/.carbonblack/credentials.response |strings > instances.txt

Verify the content and it should look like this:



usage: cbr-search.py [-h] [-ho HOSTNAME] [-st TMPSTARTTIME] [-et TMPENDTIME]
                     [-n] [-i] [-a] [-c C] [-A] [--csv] [--hits] [-m M] [-w W]
                     [--show SHOW]

positional arguments:
  instance          Instance name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -ho HOSTNAME      Hostname to search
  -st TMPSTARTTIME  Start time
  -et TMPENDTIME    End time
  -n                List process netconns
  -i                Interactive mode
  -a                Sweep mode. When declared, it goes through all instances
                    in instances.txt
  -c C              List child processes, default n=1
  -A                List alerts :: e.g. type report_score:[90 TO *] when
                    prompted. Currently works only without -a (all instances
  --csv             Output to CSV
  --hits            Only count hits for query
  -m M              Choose between following modes:
                          domain  = Manually enter domains or with -W (wordlist)
                          ip      = Manually enter IPs or with -W (wordlist)
  -w W              Load an IOC wordlist (domain and ip modes)
                    NOTE: one entry per line
  --show SHOW       
                    Supported values:
                          searchterms = Show available search terms for free search


Sweep all instances with an IOC wordlist

python3 cbr-search.py instance-2 -st 4320 -a -m domain -w ../IOC/dealply.txt
  • Note that the instance argument is always required even if using -a switch.. i'm too lazy on that :)

Do a free query on a host and show network connections from the process

python3 cbr-search.py instance-2 -st 4320 -ho NX-609 -n

Do a free query on all instances

python3 cbr-search.py instance-2 -st 4320 -a

List alerts on a host

-A switch is recommended to use with the -ho parameter due to amount of hits, if the whole instance is queried. The -A switch can be used like following:

python3 cbr-search.py instance-1 -st 10000 -ho hostname -A

And next at the prompt, you can define the report score to search for hits. e.g.:

report_score:[75 TO *]

Interactive mode, note that you can use -a switch to sweep all instances, otherwise it will reset back to False after a search if manually switched to 'All instances mode' in interactive mode.

python3 cbr-search.py instance-2 -st 20000 -i -a
    ____             __                            __  _   _ _  _ 
   / __ \__  _______/ /___  ____  __   _   _____  / /_(_)_(_|_)(_)
  / /_/ / / / / ___/ __/ / / / / / /  | | / / _ \/ __/ __ `/ _ |  
 / ____/ /_/ (__  ) /_/ /_/ / /_/ /   | |/ /  __/ /_/ /_/ / __ |  
/_/    \__, /____/\__/\__, /\__, /    |___/\___/\__/\__,_/_/ |_|  
      /____/         /____//____/                                 

v1.0.1 by sanre
Start time:2020-02-01T22:49:29
End time:2020-02-15T20:09:29
All instances mode: True
[0] General
[1] Discovery
[2] Execution
[3] Persistence
[4] Credential Access
[5] Lateral Movement
[6] Defense evasion
[7] Powershell
[8] Emotet
[10] Free search
[11] Toggle sweep mode (all instances or only the current)

NOTE for lazy people like myself: I recommend using rlwrap or similar readline wrapper to have command history and completion within CLI.. :) https://linux.die.net/man/1/rlwrap