
bugcat capoo stickers (viewed on readme.md)

为什么我创建了这个repository ?(WIP)

  • 为了方便bugcat capoo爱好者更好的去保存gif图(❁´◡`❁)
  • 也是我为了练习markdown的语法(●'◡'●)

bugcat capoo的介绍

  • Bugcat Capoo (貓貓蟲咖波 Māo māo chóng kā bō), sometimes abbreviated to Capoo, is a cartoon character resembling a chubby blue cat with six legs. He is the namesake and main subject of a webcomic strip on Facebook and Instagram, cartoon clips on YouTube, and stickers on LINE and other social media. He was created by the Taiwanese artist Yara (亞拉 Yala) in 2014.

  • Capoo is described as "a little monster like a cat and like a bug, both violent and cute, who loves to eat meat".[1] The comic depicts him as a cute house pet with an endless hunger for meat and a disdain for vegetables, living together with his owner Lala and the seemingly immortal Dogdog—a large dog possessing uncanny skills in every field—in Lala's house. Much of the comic revolves around everyday situations which explode into absurdity, and often end with Capoo either eating whatever frustrates him, or being comically punished by Lala for his antics.

  • 猫猫虫咖波英语:Bugcat Capoo,有时简称为Capoo),外表像猫又像虫的卡通人物[1],它是Facebook和Instagram上的网络漫画、YouTube上的卡通短片、LINE和其他社交媒体上的贴图的主人公。于2014年由**艺术家亚拉所创造。

  • 其设定为像猫又像虫蓝色小怪物,平时拥有6只脚,数量会视情况变化,暴力猎奇又萌萌可爱,最爱吃肉,还有咬手手。[2]漫画中的咖波是一只类似宠物的存在,与主人 - 拉拉和后续被收养的大型犬 - 狗狗住在一起,大部分的内容都是围绕日常场景展开,收尾无可避免都是咖波吃掉令他沮丧的人事物或是被主人拉拉惩罚。

From Wikipedia bugcat capoo

一个bugcat capoo行摘帽礼

如何保存gif图 How to download the stickers to your computer?

  • 鼠标右键gif图
  • 点击“图片另存为
  • 选择保存地址,即可保存图片


  • Right click the gif pic, then click "save as" to download the file to your computer.

下面的表格整理了bugcat capoo的gif图 The .gif pictures of Bugcat Capoo are shown in the table below 👇🏻

  • 如果图片无法加载,可以看描述


序号/No. 描述/Description gif图
1 bugcat capoo行摘帽礼 enter image description here
2 capoo点击红色按钮,它的头顶上显示爱心符号 enter image description here
3 待定 enter image description here
4 待定 enter image description here
5 Thanks enter image description here
6 enter image description here
7 enter image description here

Main sources of Bugcat capoo sickers 贴纸的主要网站来源

网址名称 Website name 链接🔗 Link
Tenor https://tenor.com/users/toiletto/stickers
Giphy https://giphy.com/bugcat_capoo