
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Particle Env. (on going)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Multi-Agent Reinforcement algorithms with Particle Environment (OpenAI) using pytorch

  1. ddpg.py: bidirectional LSTM actor + LSTM critic + DDPG

  2. model_ddpg.py: bidirectional LSTM actor + LSTM critic + DDPG + estimate next_state + estimate reward <estimate next_state + estimate reward> is a combined method between model-free RL and model-based RL.
    It shows significantly improved performance in particle env. simple_spread scenarios

  3. model_rdpg.py: bidirectional LSTM actor + LSTM critic + RDPG (recurrent DPG) + estimate next_state + estimate reward This algorithm currently shows degraded performance than others in particle env. simple_spread scenarios.