A fast and easy zero-config transaction manager for Android which helps you track your income and expenses generated through cash or digital mediums.
Transactions is designed to cater to people in a hurry with features like an intuitive, color coded UI, a handy dashboard (WIP), and incremental filtering.
- Track incomes/expenses through cash and digital mediums
- View major stats and metrics on a handy dashboard
- Apply incremental filters that stack on top of each other with multiple options to get the view you want
- View balances that update in realtime based on your transactions and filters
- Exchange amount between cash and digital mediums
- Enable daily reminder notifications at a time of your choice
- Directly open major screens in the app through App Shortcuts
- Easily get onboarded onto the app with the help of a visual guide
- Kotlin
- Android SDK
- Material Design 3 Themes and Components
- Clean MVVM Architecture
- AndroidX Lifecycle
- Room ORM (Version 2.4)
- WorkManager
- Dependency Injection using Hilt
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Kotlin Flows
- LiveData
- Single Activity Architecture
- Navigation Component with SafeArgs plugin
- FragmentResults API
- Firebase Crashlytics
- Play Store Core API
- Lottie
- MaterialShowcaseView
- MPAndroidChart
- https://sanskar10100.hashnode.dev/querybuilder-how-i-wrote-a-runtime-sql-query-generator-for-an-android-app
- https://sanskar10100.hashnode.dev/implementing-periodic-notifications-with-workmanager
Please open an issue for any feedback! Thanks